Maura at home

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Maura went home and played with Bass. Her cell phone rang and the door bell continued to to be rung. Maura didn't respond to them. Jane came by after her shift bringing by her favorite sweet but even that didn't make Maura smile.  Maura asked Jane that she wanted to be by herself tonight. Jane wanted to protest but didn't. Jane knew Maura wasn't one to change her feelings overnight.
Maura stayed up all night watching documentaries. She called in the next day and asked one of the other doctors to come in and take in any new cases that came in.

Hope tried to make contact with her to no avail. The one person who never abided by rules were Patty. He entered her home even with the alarm set and bypasses the intruder alarm. He made himself comfortable on the couch to stay watch over his baby girl.

Maura finally woke up to an aroma like she hasn't smelled, since she was child from Greece. Patty had his people make Maura's favorite breakfast foods. Maura wasn't expecting Patty. She thought it was going to be Jane since the alarm didn't sound.

Patty why are you hear. Maura you know I always know what is going on with you. I am worried about you. Patty I will be okay.  Patty said Maura come and eat with me and Hope. Hope is here too.  She starred at both and gave in. 

Jane called and text her.  Baby girl I came by and noticed your parents were there. If you need me, call me and I will be there. ♡ U J.

Hope said that all are worried about her. No one made fun of her to hurt her on purpose. Maura knew this but the pride and ego got in her way. She listened to Patty and Hope tell her how they met and fell in love and were still in love with one another even though Hope was married. Maura says Patty don't mess with her marriage. Hope knew that Maura would be okay soon because the old Maura was returning. Patty left after he cleaned Maura up.
Hope tells Maura to get dressed they were having a mama and daughters day and to bring her passport.  Maura was all giddy.
Hope and Maura boarded the plane for a week full of fun in Europe. Maura text Jane.  I am with HOPE on a mini vacay don't worry babe. I ♡ you too-M.

Hope had set up the first day of pampering at her beach home. Full mud bath with several wines to consume.  After the mud bath,a full body massage and pedicure and manicure.
Lunch was at a small bistro that was Devine.

Shopping spree that even Maura pooped out. The driver took them back to the beach home. They changed into their bikinis and lathered up in sun skin with their sun hats.

Ice cold European tea was served. They stayed out on the deck for several hours til it got a little nippy.
Maura said Hope she enjoyed today and wish she had more memories like this.  Sweetie we will. I missed too many years thinking you were dead.  I will not miss more time with my sweet girl.     They had a chef salad with fresh catch of the day with fresh french bread with olive oil and a wine to compliment the meal. The staff cleaned up and left.  Jane and Hope stayed up just talking about their lives that each one missed out of. They finally went to bed at two.  Hope told Maura to be ready by 7.
Maura was ready and had two expressos ready with a croissant for breakfast. Off they went site seeing and purchasing more shoes and designer bags. Hope told Maura that they needed to find two ball gowns for tonight for the queen's spring ball.

Maura couldn't imagine what her childhood would of been like if she knew who her mother would of been back than. 
They both were ready.  Maura's green gown had crystals on the top while Hope's gown was a light yellow with pearl accents on it. As the saying goes,  they had Ball at the queen's spring ball. Media took several tasteful pictures of mother, daughter and the queen. Angela opened the magazine with their picture on Jane's desk. Jane was eager for her baby girl to return to  Boston.
Maura text Jane for the sick crew to meet Hope and her at the restaurant by 7 for dinner it. Evening attire only. Jane didn't care if she had to wear a dress, she just wanted to be in her baby girls arms again.

Maura and Hope came back tanned, refreshed and gifts for each of the sick crew.

Jane saw Maura and gave her a bear hug. Maura normally doesn't like bear hugs but today was an exception. Maura kissed Jane softly and they took a seat. Everyone enjoyed their dinners. Jane of course ordered two desserts and breakfast cuisine for tomorrow. Jane took the next day off so they could have alone time together. Jane told Cavanaugh and Maura were taking a mental health day and no outside communication would occur.

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