Becca returns to the event

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Becca meets with Korsak and identifies herself as a New York's District Attorney and her cousin, Thomas, is the homicide victim of the case they are working.  Korsak and Frankie gives her their condolences but will not reveal any of their findings.  Becca is miffed by their attitude.  Korsak reassures her once the case is solved she will be informed but until than to please stay out of the case.

All the vehicles are searched on the grounds. Frankie finds the cross bow in Becca's trunk of her black  Lexus. Korsak reads Becca her miranda rights and asks Becca to go with them to the event office so they can speak in private.  Mary hears this and goes off the hook. Mary raises her voice at Korsak do you idiots not realize who you are talking to. Korsak thanks Mary for the information but says she had already identified herself. Mary slams her fist on the table in front of them and demands they let go of Becca. Becca promises to get to the bottom of it. Becca tells Mary to calm down that she is innocent and they are just doing their jobs. She explains she is just being investigated not arrested.  Mary is still not pleased. Mary SAYS I WILL GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS AND LEAVES.

Korsak realizes Becca is innocent and asks her if she knows of anyone who has an ax to grind. Becca says yeah about every case my office prosecutes. Frankie asks can you think of any recent or a case that stands out to you?

Becca writes several cases that stand out to her and a contact person they can ask for to release the information. She contacts her assistant and informs him what is going on and to assist the detectives in anyway he can.

Korsak has one of the detectives from his office to contact her office and review the leads.

Frankie states maybe she is mistaken when framed. There are several black lexus vehicles here.

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