Kirby has to be locked in a room aftermath

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Jigglypuff: Oww...I know, I know, I'm terrible. I thought it would be funny, and it wouldn't cause any real trouble. I'm just glad he doesn't seem angry..

Kirby: *too busy eating and clinging to Jigglypuff to notice*

Galeem: FREEDOM!!

Dharkon: Thank you for that. The ropes were getting itchy.

Luigi: *comes back* Ok, I brought the scissors and- *sees they're untied* Wait, how'd you- you know what Ima stop questioning this. Let's just go to dinner.

Galeem: Okay!

Dharkon: Very well. I crave unhealthy junk food anyway.

*At dinner*

Dharkon: WHAT IS THIS BULLS**T?! *throws down a salad angrily*


Dharkon: Our bodies are literally programmed to stay like this forever, we can't get anymore f i t

Wii Fit: But....if there is no reason to be f i t...what reason is there to live??

Galeem: *in a lemon costume* l e m o n s

Wii Fit: wut

Galeem: My child, let l e m o n s be your purpose

Wii Fit: you know what

Wii Fit: *now in a lemon costume* sUrE

Galeem: Lemons!

Wii Fit: LEMONS!!

Galeem & Wii Fit: L E M O N S!!

Make sure to send more asks and dares in the comments below! Also forms for Donkey Kong and Yoshi!

Ask or dare the cast of Super Smash Bros Ultimate! Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora