312 2 2

Master Hand: *holding Galeem* On the count of 3...1


Master Hand: 2....

Dharkon, being held by Crazy Hand:  *already accepted it*

Master Hand: 3!!

Crazy Hand: THESE B*****S EMPTY

Master & Crazy Hand: Y E E T *yeets the two out the window*

Galeem: AHHHHHHHHH *lands on Kirby and Jigglypuff's picnic*

Jigglypuff: HA! Now you know how it feels!

Dharkon: Uh, bro?...

Kirby: *shaking with rage because they squashed the food he made for Jigglypuff.* .....

Dharkon: Oh s**t.

Jigglypuff: You better run bois!

Galeem: RUN FOR IT!

Kirby: *grabs them by the scruffs of their necks and looks at them with pure rage* PREPARE TO DIE, A*SHOLES.

Jigglypuff: Will Galeem and Dharkon escape? Will Kirby prove my death god theory correct? And most importantly, what happened to the cake? Find out next time, on "Ask and dare the Smash Ultimate cast"!

Ask or dare the cast of Super Smash Bros Ultimate! Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang