Chapter Eighty-Three

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The morning of the Third Task was definitely an unusual one...

When Ollie walked into the Great Hall that morning for breakfast, she did not expect to be greeted by her Uncle Amos.

"Ollie, dear, how are you?" He pulled her into a hug, which surprised the Ravenclaw to say the least, "Isn't this so exciting? Dumbledore invited all the families of the Champions to the castle for the Third Task!"

"Really?" Olive smiled as she politely pulled away, "That's amazing! I'm sure Ced is happy you're here."

Amos couldn't stop grinning, most likely high on living vicariously through his son, "You know how he gets, all humble and whatnot."

He looked over his shoulder at the Hufflepuff table, where Cedric was eating breakfast by himself. Amos turned back to Olive and motioned for her to follow him.

"You should come join us, Olive. You are family."

Olive nodded, though her mind wandered over to the Gryffindor table. Who would be sitting with Harry? The only family he had was Sirius, who was still a fugitive and obviously couldn't walk through the front door without being arrested. Ollie wondered if she should go over and sit with the fourth year instead.

"I'll be over in a minute." She shot a glance over to Hogwarts Champion in question, "You two can have more father-son time, yeah?"

Before he could reply, the Ravenclaw was already heading over to the Gryffindor table. She was happy to see that two people were sitting across from Harry, their ginger hair and freckled faces telling Olive they were Weasleys.

She recognized Charlie, whose only difference in appearance was the addition of a few burn scars on his arms. The older woman next to him, wearing a warm smile that seemed to be permanently etched onto her face, Olive figured must be Mrs. Weasley.

"Olive!" Harry offered the Ravenclaw a smile, waving her over once he saw that she was coming, "Hi."

"Hello." She waved awkwardly.

"Mum," Charlie waved cheerfully at the approaching sixth year, "That's Olive Lark, remember? She's friends with Fred and George."

At the mention of Olive's name, Mrs. Weasley's face immediately lit up with recognition. While she had never met the girl in person, she remembered writing to the girl last summer once or twice to apologize on the twins' behalf (that was after the second time Olive had received exploding letters in the mail).

"Olive, dearie!" Mrs. Weasley stood up, wrapping Ollie in a tight hug, "I'm so glad to finally be meeting you!"

Olive had to admit, it was a little awkward to be meeting Mrs. Weasley. Of course she was excited to finally meet the woman she heard so much about, but she hadn't been expecting it.

"I've heard so much about you, Mrs. Weasley." Ollie said, her voice quiet but polite as they pulled away from the quick embrace. At the quirk of the woman's brow, her gaze shooting to the rest of her children sitting further down the table, the Ravenclaw quickly added, "Don't worry, all good things."

Olive glanced over to the rest of the Weasleys (who were still in school), her eyes finding George's. He looked at her, brows raised, obviously surprised that she was meeting his mother for the first time.

"Why don't you come sit with us, dear?" Mrs. Weasley nodded to the spot next to Harry, "Have you eaten yet?"

Immediately Olive found a tremendous appreciation for her. Mrs. Weasley was a mother in every sense of the word, nurturing and caring for others if they were her own or not. She didn't think she could ever tell this woman 'no.'

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