Chapter Forty-Two

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"That didn't take too long." Olive slid her small pouch of coins into her bag, pulling out her supply list from her pocket, "Usually the bank is backed up the day before the term starts."

"Maybe people decided to go earlier." Remus shrugged, looking over the girl's shoulder at her supply list.

Olive shrugged, "Thank you for taking me, today. I really appreciate it, and I'm sure Missy does too."

Remus offered the young girl a smile, "Of course, Ollie."

Sirius nudged his head into Olive's side, which caused the girl to pat his head.

"You too, Padfoot." The Ravenclaw whispered.

She looked down at her list for a moment, and then up at all of the stores to see which one they should go to first.

The girl lead Remus and Sirius to Florish and Blotts, looking down at her list to read the titles of the textbooks she'd be needing for that year. There were six in total, all assigned to Olive based on the classes she would be taking, determined by her OWL's score.

Luckily, for Olive, who scored mostly O's with a few E's, she was able to take all of the classes she wanted, however hard and demanding those classes were. She had six textbooks to get, all at the NEWT level.

"How about we split up? I'll take Advanced Potion Making, A Guide to Advanced Transfiguration, and The Standard Book of Spells, Grade Six." Remus offered, "You can find the rest, and we'll meet back here?"

Olive looked down at her list with a nod, "Good plan."

Sirius looked at Olive and Remus, as if deciding who to stay with. The Ravenclaw patted his head, and took his leash from Remus.

"You can stay with me." She whispered to him, "After all, Remus won't be caught dead next to that dashing collar."

The former professor chuckled shortly, running a hand down his usually tired face, "Sometimes it's like I'm back at school again, I swear."

The two parted, Remus heading to the left side of the store while Olive took the right side. She found her Herbology textbook with ease, but had some trouble finding the other two. She was scanning the shelves of student textbooks with furrowed brows and a studious expression, reading each book title with her lips slightly moving.

"You know, you can help me too." Ollie whispered to Sirius, "You've got eyes."

The man in disguise just waggled his tail innocently at Olive, pretending to be just, well, a dog. The Ravenclaw rolled her eyes at him, looking back up at the shelves as she searched for her textbooks.

She found Quintessence: A Quest after watching a fellow sixth year she recognized pick the book off a shelf towards the back of the store. She tucked both books under her arm, list in hand still, as she scavenged the shelves for Confronting the Faceless, the last book she'd need for the year.


The girl was always startled to have her name called out to her in public. Now, it was even more so because she had Sirius with her. Turning around, preparing a friendly smile, she sighed in relief when she saw who it was.

Harry Potter.

"Hello Harry." She said, "How.. how are you?"

The boy shrugged, "I'm alright. Just getting some stuff for school."

Olive nodded, watching Sirius stare at Harry fixedly, wagging his tail. He hadn't seen Harry since school, and probably wanted more than anything to talk to him.

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