Chapter Ninety-Two

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Helping Missy with fix a drawer quickly turned into hours of helping her with nearly every minor inconvenience involving jammed doors, leaky faucets, or even the straightening or removal or various portraits around the house.

"Missy, I can't even use magic. Can't you get Sirius to help you with this?" Olive asked, "Or Remus? He's good with charms, too."

She was sitting on the floor in the kitchen next to her sister, who was trying to unclog the drain that they had managed to clog while trying to make the faucet stop leaking. At this point, Olive was certain Missy was just trying to keep her busy so she wouldn't spend time with George.

"Can't I spend some quality time with my sister?" Missy asked with an innocent bat of her lashes.

"We've spent every day together since school ended." Ollie sighed, going through one of her old charms textbooks to find the spell her sister needed to unclog the sink, "Besides, this really is a one-person job... as is taking out the garbage and all the other stuff you made me help you with today."

Blowing a dark strand of hair away from her face, Missy shrugged, "Well, it's going to get busy around here pretty soon with the Order and everything. Maybe I want to spend more time with you before that happens."

Olive didn't want to argue about that, because she did have a point. A lot of Missy's time was spent doing things for the Order, and it would only get busier from here. In just over a month Olive would be going back to school as well. However, it was clear to the near seventeen year-old what her sister was trying to do, which was to minimize the opportunities for her and George to be alone together.

"You know," She offered quietly, "George might now how to fix this, and he's of age-"

"Wait, I think I got it." The small flush of running water indicated that the clogged sink had been fixed. Missy sat back on her heels with a triumphant smiles, dusting her hands off on her jeans, "There we go, all fixed. No need for any help."

Getting to her feet, the eldest Lark sister looked around the kitchen for something else for them to do. She gently tugged Olive's sleeve, who was shutting her old textbook and trying not to touch any of the dusty-looking items that were stored under the sink.

"There's a draft in the den. We should go check it out."

Olive frowned, gently tugging her sleeve out of her sister's grasp, "Missy, this place is full of leaky pipes and drafts. It'll take hours, or days to fix all of it."

Missy didn't seem to see the problem, or at least she was pretending not to, "Then we better get started. I'll see if Sirius can tell us-"

"Missy, dear, how are things in the kitchen? Is the sink fixed?" Mrs. Weasley entered the kitchen, rolling up her sleeves as she started to peruse the food stores.

"All fixed, Molly." Missy nodded, "Olive and I were just going to see about the draft in the den."

Olive's gaze met Mrs. Weasley's, who noticed that it didn't seem like Ollie wanted to 'see about the draft in the den' at all. The woman started taking things out of the cupboards, obviously wanting to get dinner started so it'd be ready before the Order meeting later that evening.

"I was actually thinking Ollie can come help me in the kitchen." Mrs. Weasley offered, "We can get started on dinner."

Handing her old charms textbook to her sister, Olive quickly went to the now-functioning sink to wash her hands, "I think that's a lovely idea."

Missy didn't want to do anything to object Mrs. Weasley's offer. As Olive had noted the first time she met the woman, it was nearly impossible to say 'no' to her. Besides, if she was offering to cook dinner for eleven people, it was best to give her the help she asked for and not ask questions.

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