Chapter Fourteen

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The next morning was hell on earth for poor Ollie.

She woke up with a terrible headache, freezing cold, and sweating. Her sinuses felt plugged, and her throat ached something fierce. Never had she gotten a cold such as this one before.

But being the stubborn Lark she is, Olive said nothing about feeling under the weather and got ready for the day, bundled up with a few extra layers.

As she sat at the Ravenclaw table early that morning in the Great Hall, Ollie was trying to stay awake. She drank some tea in hopes of it lessening her fatigue- but didn't feel like eating or drinking any more in fear of vomiting it back up or simply not being hungry.

Personally, Olive knew it was her fault for having the cold. She didn't go inside when it was snowing out, and didn't wear the proper clothing for the sudden frigid weather. It wasn't supposed to be cold that day when she went to see Sirius, but the weather has cooled down severely.

Still, though, she secretly blamed Fred and George for the matter. They drove her insane, and she wanted nothing to do with them at this point, yet she let them escort her up to the castle the long way through the snow, when she could have been in the hot shower in merely ten minutes. As good as their intentions were, she just wanted to be warm, and they were taking her the long way to where she wanted to desperately go.

Snow still fell outside on the Hogwarts' grounds, making Ollie worry about Sirius. She gave him a blanket and a jar of fire to keep him warm, but hoped it would be enough for him. The man didn't have much since he wanted to stay near the castle grounds to stay near Harry and catch Peter Pettigrew. Olive only hoped he wasn't freezing to death out there- which added to her anxiety and fueled her illness and headache.

As she sat with her head resting in her arms at the table, Olive didn't notice anyone come in the Great Hall and head towards her. In that sick state, she didn't notice much of anyone around her. She just wanted to rest up as much as she could before classes today- where they'd be going outside for Care of Magical Creatures to check on their blast-ended shrewts and take them for a walk in the snow.

Hagrid didn't really have a thing against weather, so naturally his classes were never cancelled- even if the Malfoy family wanted him gone and Buckbeak dead.

Two people sat across from Ollie, which she assumed was Nat accompanied by a groggy Cho. As she picked her head up with a small groan, she wasn't met with her two best friends.

"Please go away." Olive moaned, pulling her Ravenclaw scarf tighter around her neck and shoulders as she shivered.

"Ollie, we came to apologize." Fred said, twiddling his thumbs as his hands rested on the table.

He and George exchanged a look at Ollie and then with each other when she didn't respond. Even with her usual fair skin, she looked exceptionally pale today, her nose red and her eyes a bit bloodshot.

"You're apology is accepted if you leave me alone."

George reached across the table and put the back of his hand across Olive's forehead. He let out a sigh, pulling back his hand.

"You've got a fever. Go to the Hospital Wing, Ollie."

"No. I'm fine- it's just incredibly warm in here."

"Yeah, and George and I aren't identical."

"It's allergies, I'll be better once classes start." Ollie muttered, propping up her head with her hands. She gave a look to Fred and George, trying to tell them that she was fine- but she honestly looked terrible.

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