Chapter Ninety-One

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After Olive had told Missy, Remus, and Sirius about her and George dating, the next few days were a bit... interesting to say the least. Especially since the Weasleys were scheduled to move in by the end of the week...

Which was now today.

"I'm thinking of putting those boys up on the fourth floor." Sirius said rather loudly as Olive walked into the kitchen, making sure he got her attention, "Right where I can keep an eye on them."

The Ravenclaw rolled her eyes as she mulled around the kitchen, putting together a small, hasty breakfast. Ever since she told her sister, Sirius, and Remus that she and George were dating, they'd been bugging her nonstop about it.

"I'm sure they'd love to share a room with Buckbeak." Remus, who was at the other end of the table, mused, though did not look up from his copy of The Daily Profit.

"I knew there was something going on when we ran into that Weasley kid in Diagon Alley last year." Sirius quipped, "Didn't I say so, Moony? I think you owe me ten galleons."

"No, you owe Missy and I twenty galleons." Remus corrected, "Each."

"Right." He grumbled, "The jumper thing."

Olive let out a particularly loud sigh, which caught the attention of the two adults as she plopped down between them at the long kitchen table, "Did you have anything else to do in the flat besides make bets about my love life?"

Remus and Sirius looked up at each other, sharing a twinkling grin. In unison, they both said, "Nope."

"Wow." Ollie shook her head, "Just promise me once they get here you won't say anything embarrassing. Please."

She made it a point to stare the both of them down after she said this, waiting for them to respond.

As this was going on, Missy walked into the kitchen, having just finished preparing the bedrooms their new roommates would be staying in. She stopped, eyeing the three people, who seemed to be having a staring match with each other.

"Is this about-" She was cut off by a nod from Remus, "Figured."

Olive raised her brows, "Well?"

"Fine." Sirius gave in, "I won't say anything embarrassing... but maybe I'll still say something."


"No one will say anything, Olive." Missy reassured her sister, folding her arms across her chest as she ventured further into the kitchen, "Promise."

"You can't just speak for us!" Sirius gasped, folding his arms with a dramatic huff, "Moony-"

"Just go along with it." Remus folded his newspaper up with a sigh, "Besides, Pads, I don't think you're in the position to be making such demands. Twenty galleons. Each. Remember?"

He and Missy shared a wicked grin, which caused the fugitive to go back to his coffee and toast, grumbling to himself about not being able to have any fun these days. Olive stood triumphantly, balancing her plate of eggs and toast on one arm while holding her cup of tea in the other.

"Thank you." She said to her sister. On her way out of the kitchen, she paused at the door, "Missy?"

"Yes, Ollie?"

"That promise goes for you too."


Grinning to herself as she headed down the main hall, Olive didn't notice that the guests in question had already arrived until she nearly walked into them. She had been so caught up in her short quip with Sirius that she hadn't heard the door open, or the several pairs of footsteps in the hall.

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