Chapter Twelve

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"Mate, we can't go down this way- Filch is pacing the corridor." Fred argued as they ran from several explosions that went off down the hall behind them. It was one of the first pranks in months that seemed to go as planned.

In other words, the black cat wasn't there to screw it up.

"We're kinda stuck, Freddo. Got anything other plans?" George asked, peering over his brother's shoulder at the Marauder's Map Fred held in his hands.

"There's a secret passage way just down here. Though, exit's by the Black Lake." Fred pointed out.

"Well, it's either that or polishing stupid trophies all night."

"Good point."


The twins exchanged a look before opening a painting and headed down the secret passageway carefully. Relieved that they didn't get caught, by Filch or the black cat, Fred and George took their time down the dark and chilly tunnel.


Hardly any creatures, of any sort, ever ventured in and out of the Forbidden Forest. There was the occasional chipmunk or squirrel, but besides that, no one ever saw what was lurking inside, come out.

But today, late in the afternoon on the first day of November, emerged a black cat. No one saw it exit the Forbidden Forest, or even go in for that matter. The cat was quick with its movements, agile.

No one saw the cat morph into Olive Lark either.

Ollie shivered, rubbing her irritated and scratched hands together to warm them up. The palms of her hands ached from the rough terrain of the Forbidden Forest, but didn't seem to complain. The trip was worth it. She found out that Sirius Black was a good man, and still had feelings for her sister, after all these years. She felt comfortable with the man, even after one meeting, thinking of him as a fun uncle or older brother.

As she rounded the tree by the Black Lake, she took a seat, tired from running across the forest floor in such a hurry. She didn't feel like going to supper then, even if her stomach growled from not eating much that day. All Olive wanted to do was be alone for awhile, possibly get some writing in.

She took out her notebook, flipping through the ink-filled pages before stopping at where she had left off. Finding her pen, Ollie cracked her cold fingers and began to write.

As usual, Olive grew lost in the world she was creating through the flow of ink to paper, the world around her fading away as she fell into a trance. She no longer felt cold or tired, but fixated on the paper as if it were Merlin himself.

She didn't notice Fred and George emerge from a storm drain by the tree she was sitting at, or hear them laughing at a joke. Ollie didn't hear their footsteps crunch on fallen leaves as the two of them approached her.

Olive didn't even notice them sit next to her, their eyes scanning what she was writing.

Fred and George noticed how quickly Olive was able to write, and how neat her handwriting was. She barely crossed anything out, or even seemed to pause and think. Everything just flowed out continuously, as if she was a robot.

The twins also didn't notice how good Olive was at what she did on a daily basis. Even for two who didn't do much reading for fun, or even for schoolwork, they found themselves quite interested in the story Ollie was writing.

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