Chapter Twenty-Four

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The world from a smaller point of view provided Olive with great perspective. Being in cat form allowed her to sneak around without people paying mind to her, and also gave her insight on the world around her.

For instance, she realized that it isn't just in books that students put gum under the desks. It happens, and it's gross.

Ollie also realized that if she were to go sneaking around in her actual form, then people would pay notice to it. They might ask why Olive Lark walking around suspiciously by herself. However, if they saw a cat turning round the corner, they'll think about how cute the cat is, and then go on with their day.

All in all, being a cat is awesome.

Her hearing ability was so much better than it was before, since she could turn her ears in the direction of sounds. Olive could see in the dark without having to use a light, which could give her away in a given situation. Also, cats are sly and sneaky, barely making a noise as they scamper passed. Even when jumping from place to place, Ollie barely made a sound.

Olive, in cat form, was currently sneaking around the castle. Well... she wasn't exactly sneaking because she didn't need to be discreet. As a cat does, she was strutting down the hall, focusing on getting to her destination as quickly as possible.

Despite being grateful that George willingly sacrificed himself for Olive so that she wouldn't get detention... he and Fred were still up to no good. They had told the Ravenclaw that they were going to prank the Slytherin Quidditch team- since the Quidditch House Cup Finals were the following week. However, as much as Olive would like to see Ingrid with red and gold hair and clothes... her moral compass was leading her to stop the prank.

Besides, the black cat had to keep up appearances as well, right?

Easily, Olive weaved between the legs of students, taking herself right to where George had told her they would be.

Sure enough, there were Fred and George, hanging out totally inconspicuously in the corridor, acting too much like their normal joking selves. In the bulging pockets of their robes, however, Olive could see the enchanted chalk bombs of red and gold.

Olive jumped up onto a windowsill, perching herself in a position where the twins would see her. She flicked her tail innocently from side to side, staring with her wide blue eyes in their direction.

"Fred, look. The cat."


"No, the black cat."

Two heads of ginger hair slowly turned in the direction of Olive, who in her cat form tried to look as coy as a feline if it were about to knock something over from a high shelf. She let out a soft 'meow' once she knew she had their attention.

"Hey, kitty-kitty-"

"Really, George, is that all you got? Hex the thing!" Fred ran a hand through his striking red hair, taking his wand out of his back pocket.

"Listen, mate, it's a cat! What do you want me to do?"

Olive lazily sat in the window sill, the sun warm against her black fur. She rolled her cobalt eyes, but otherwise kept her stare on the twins. It was entertaining to watch those two bicker, but she couldn't stay idle for long.

George took one of the chalk bombs from his pocket, "How about this, mate?"

"Sounds good to me." Fred shrugged, "That'll make sure that cat doesn't come back. I'm sick of our pranks being ruined."

Olive watched as George enchanted the chalk bomb with a sticking charm. She'd be covered with red and gold dust for ages- even in her regular form. That would surely give away her position as the black cat.

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