Chapter Ten

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After staring up at the sky for nearly two hours scared with the fact that Sirius Black was able to get into the Ravenclaw common room, up into her dorms and stare at her face, Olive tried her best to sleep.

How could she be so stupid not to notice the coincidence? He obviously put the fire out with her wand, picked her up and laid her on the couch, and went back upstairs in her room to retrieve her blanket to drape it over her.

Why the hell would a mass murderer tuck her in? Or even not kill her for the matter? The way the shaggy dog looked at her was very odd, even for a dog- Olive mentally kicked herself for not realizing it sooner. She could have told Dumbledore, and he would have been caught.

But what kind of mass murderer wouldn't... well.... Murder her?

There had to be some sort of reason why Sirius Black didn't kill her.

And it was keeping her up.

Carefully, she rolled over, facing the twins who fell asleep as soon as the lights when out. Fred was facing away from them, curled up, while George was facing her, on his stomach with his arms tucked under his pillow.

Managing a small smile, she sighed. The twins, as alike as they are, can be quite different some times. Ollie hated them, yes, but she happened to notice everything when she's trying to fall asleep.

She looked over, eyeing the watch on George's wrist, internally groaning. It was already four in the morning, and she hasn't slept a wink yet since Cho and Nat woke her up.

As she forced her eyes shut, trying to trick her brain into thinking she's tired, her heart beat drummed loudly in her ears- too nervous and anxious to want to slow down and sleep. Ollie was still worked up about everything, which made her nervous and extremely anxious to no end. She needed to write something right now, but couldn't risk leaving the Great Hall. The doors were locked, how would she even get out?

Olive's eyes opened again, but this time she was met with a pair of eyes staring back at her.

Her cobalt blue state widened in fright for a second, but she signed when she realized it was only George staring back at her.

He smiled a bit, resting his chin on the top of his pillow as he stared at her.

A sense of irritation ran through her, wanting to glare at George for scaring her like that. Instead she just stared back, wondering why he was awake when just a moment a go he was sound asleep. It was nearly four in the morning after all, and they were still locked in the Great Hall. Nearly everyone was asleep at that point, even Percy.

"Are you okay?" He mouthed/whispered to her, wondering why she was still up. To him, Ollie looked wide awake, yet clearly exhausted. He only woke up because of Fred's light snoring, but saw Olive open her eyes with a frustrated sigh.

"Fine." She mouthed back, wanting now more than ever to get some sleep. Ollie didn't like the twins. She didn't like them bothering her, she didn't like their pranks, and she just didn't like them. But somehow, tired yet wide awake, this was a bit different.

"How long have to been up?"

"Long enough."


"Doesn't matter why."

"Yes it does. You look tired."

"Gee thanks."

"Just saying you should sleep."

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