Chapter Six

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As the weather got colder and colder around the castle, the usual weekend trips to Hogsmeade took place.

And as usual, Natalie dragged poor Ollie along.

"Come on, Ollie, live a little!" Nat chimed as she forced a jacket onto the shoulders of her introverted friend. Olive sighed, and simply shook her head.

"I told you, I'm not going." Olive whined, trying to pull her jacket off of her. Nat persisted, and threw Olive's Ravenclaw scarf around the girl's neck before snatching her writing materials and shoving them into her own bag.

"Well, if you want to continue writing whatever juicy novelette you were just working on, I suggest you tag along. I told Cho we'd meet her and possibly Cedric at Three Broomsticks for some Butterbeer." Natalie said, grabbing Ollie's hand and dragging her out of the common room.


"But nothing, Ollie. If you stay inside any longer I swear you're going to give the ghosts a run for their money in the pale department."


"Maybe you can do some feline-related duties too."

That's when Olive sighed, and silently agreed to tag along. For the past month and a half, Olive has been messing with Fred and George's pranks whenever she could, whether she made the pranks backfire on them, or simply ruin them in time for the pranks to go off. One time, she even stole all of their dung bombs before they could throw them.

Although it never discouraged the twins to stop, it certainly made them think twice about who exactly they were messing with.

"Fine, but if we get there and I want to leave, I'm taking my things back and heading to my spot." Olive countered as they followed the crowd heading to Hogsmeade.

It didn't take long for Ollie to want to leave Hogsmeade.

First of all, she didn't like large crowds of people.

Secondly, she didn't feel like social interaction, even if it was just with her friends.

And lastly, she had a brilliant idea for the short story she was working on, and the noise of Hogsmeade and the Three Broomsticks wasn't helping her concentrate.

As she took a Butterbeer to-go, she exited the Three Broomsticks and made her way back towards the castle, her notebook tucked under her arm and her pen behind her ear. She had the most brilliant of ideas and didn't want to forget it.

With a small shiver down her spine from the wind bone-chilling picking up, she happily walked back to the castle sipping on her butter beer, her ideas bouncing around her head to keep her occupied until she was able to write them down.

That's when she noticed two pairs of eyes looking at her.

She turned her head, and was met with the gaze of the twins, studying her carefully. Olive gave them a weird look, furrowing her brows together as she walked past them. Why would they be staring at her?

Did they find out who she was so quickly?

As Ollie looked away from them, she shrugged off their stares and headed off to the castle, not wanting to attract anymore attention to herself. Olive definitely did not want another repeat of Hogsmeade last year, where people were staring and snickering at her for the rest of the day.

Was that the reason why they were staring? Could Fred and George remember that exact moment and link it back to her. Olive didn't remember seeing them that day in late May- but then again, she always tried not to stare at people. She wouldn't know unless she saw them staring at her.

With a heavy sigh, Olive shook her head. She wasn't going to let this paranoia get the best of her. They probably didn't even know her name, or know that they've had classes together since first year. Why was she making a fuss when it was probably nothing?

That's when the explosion of a dung bomb caught her attention.

The explosion was rather close to her, which made Ollie realize the prank was directed towards her. The dung bomb explosion had already distracted her from what was next.

She saw the trip wires laid out across where she would be walking- which caused her to stop in her tracks. Olive wouldn't be able to get across those as herself, because she wasn't the most well-balanced person when under pressure.

So, as another explosion shielded Olive from view of everyone else, she tucked her notebook in pen in her coat pocket, slid her wand into her boot, and morphed into a cat. All of her items would stay with her, which baffled Ollie whenever she took on her cat form. Perhaps it was so she wouldn't end up naked when she morphed back into herself- which would be quite embarrassing.

Quickly, she slid and scurried through the trip wires, not touching a single one of them. Ollie hid from view as the smoke cleared, and saw the twins standing where she was just moments before. They looked completely baffled that they weren't able to prank the innocent, shy Ravenclaw girl.

"Where'd she go?"

"Maybe she ran?"

"Mate, she couldn't have gone far."

The twins continued to look around and converse when Ollie stepped out of the shadows in her feline form, her big, cobalt blue eyes staring them down.

She innocently wandered over to a trip wires right next to where the twins were standing, and reached out a claw to trigger it. As the twins stared at the cat in disbelief, Ollie winked at them, before dashing off towards the castle in time to dodge the prank that the twins had set up for her.

"The cat got you again?" Hermione laughed as she sat before three tons of homework from all the classes she was taking. The twins, who just got the side affects of the tongue twister jinx to wear off, nodded.

"I swear, whenever we try to pull something, the cat is there." Fred huffed, plopping down on the seat across from Hermione.

"This time, it winked at us!" George exclaimed, taking a seat beside his brother.

Hermione, who the twins knew could help them decipher out their dilemma, thought about it for a moment.

"Well, who were you trying to prank at the time?" The third year asked them.

"Some Ravenclaw in our year." George told her.

"Her name is Olive." Fred added, "She disappeared when the second dung bomb exploded. Next thing we know, we're speaking gibberish as the black cat is winking at us!"

Doing her best to hold back her laughter, Hermione let out a sigh, pulling her bushy hair into a ponytail before continuing.

"Well, try and prank her again and see what happens. There has to be a relationship between who you are pranking and when the cat stops you."

"Well how are we supposed to do that!" George sighed, "I can't even remember what color socks I have on."

"Just figure it out. You two can be clever when you want to." Hermione reassured them, "I have buttloads of homework to do, so if you two don't mind, I'd like to get it done."

Fred got up and tugged on his twin's jumper, "Georgie, we've got work to do"

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