Chapter 26

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Brooks POV

I stared deeply into Sydney's icicle blue eyes waiting...waiting for her to either say the words back to me or to crush my heart. 

I see the nervousness take over her body, as her body trembles in my arms, her cheeks flush red and her full lips pout like they do when she's thinking. 

She stands there in my arms for what seems like a lifetime and when her lips finally parted the words slip out of her mouth like velvet ..." I love you too Brooks." 

I took a deep breath and it was like my whole world snapped into focus. This, us, may have been unexpected, we may have been against the rules, and we still may have a lot to figure out but I know in my heart that this is worth it all. 

Sydney's POV

I kissed Brooks goodnight and left him down on the couch, I felt as if I was floating, all of the weight I had been carrying finally lifted from my chest. Everything between us was finally out in the open and the secrets were behind us. We were actually on the precipice of being able to be a real couple. I still carried a sliver of disbelief in my heart but I tried really hard to push it away. 

I knew I had to fix things with Layla, and I'm praying she will understand. I know I hurt her and I will have to earn her forgiveness but I will do whatever it takes to fix our relationship. Brooks's parents are another story and I'm not sure that will ever be what I hope it could be but this time they can't stand in the way. I'm convinced after everything that happened today that Brooks will defend our relationship and we can have a real shot at this. 

I crawled back into bed, sank into my sheets and a lazy smile covered my lips as my mind dreamed of the someday he had always promised.


It's Monday morning and I am finally able to go back to school. Apparently, hell has frozen over because I'm actually looking forward to it. I got up early, got ready, and ate something with my gigantic cup of coffee before my Mom dropped me off, my shitty G6 was officially announced as totaled and sitting in a crumpled mess at the tow shop in town.

We pulled up in front of the school and before I step out my mom asks, "Have you heard from Layla?

"I've tried to call and text, but nothing," I tell her disappoint in my voice. 

"She'll come around." She reassures me softly patting my shoulder.

"I hope." I leaned over and kissed her cheek before I opened the passenger door and stepped out into the gloomy day.  

Brooks left yesterday to head back to school. We had a little time the morning after our late night in the kitchen to try and figure out what we were going to do about his parents and their reaction to "us." He filled me in on the fight he had with them and I had a hard time holding back my shock and my smile. 

I had an omelet and a cup of coffee waiting for him with a kiss. It was a good kind of different to feel that carefree about being with him with my parents around.  We sat around making small talk in the living room as we were scrunched up together on the couch. It was surreal almost as if I was dreaming, but at that point, I was so happy, if I was dreaming I was secretly hoping to never wake up. He told me he was going to try and sit down with his parents before he left but he didn't hold out much hope for them to want to listen. Especially his dad. 

I checked my phone at lunch and I had a message from Brooks filling me in on his unsuccessful conversation. 

Dad left for the office before I got there and avoided my calls. Mom was crying so much I could barely get a word in. Hopefully, things go better with Layla than they did with my parents. Good Luck. Love you. -B

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