Chapter 36

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Brooks POV

Having Sydney here feels good. It's like we're finally free of the rest of the world and can be us without the other BS following our every move. I love watching her be so carefree, she's always so full of life, and fits in everywhere she goes. She doesn't realize how people watch her and gravitate toward her, everyone wants to be in her orbit. I would know, I'm one of them. 

I stood there leaning against the doorway of the kitchen as Sydney mingles with some of the other girlfriends of the guys in the house. She throws her head back as she laughs at something one of them says. I can't help but smile as her hair swishes around her face, her eyes shine bright and I hear the beautiful sound that falls from her lips across the room. 

A small ache in my chest reminds me that this isn't our real life unless our life isn't going to include my family, which is a good possibility at this point. My dad was pretty serious about what my choices were but I keep holding out hope that that changes. I take a big gulp of my beer to shove away the thoughts forming in my head, keeping my eyes on Sydney, she's like an anchor that keeps me close to shore, not allowing my fears to drag me out and under the current. I was so caught up in looking at her that I didn't even notice when Quinn appeared at my side. 

"She's a special one." She said as her eyes watched Sydney in the same way I did. 

"Yeah...yeah, she is." 

"Then don't fuck it up." her tone shifted and I could feel the protectiveness radiating off of her small frame. 

"I don't plan on it." 

"Yeah, you've made her promises before." if looks could kill I'd be laid out flat. Quinn may be small but she's very intimidating. I swallowed hard under her stare. 

"I know Quinn. I love her. I'd never hurt her again." 

"I believe you love her Brooks, but sometimes, love isn't enough." with that, she walked away back towards Sam who grabbed onto her as soon as she made it to his side. 

Completely caught off guard by her words, my mind feels like it's doing somersaults, what the hell was that supposed to mean? Love isn't enough? Of course, it is. I committed to her, I finally told my parents and Layla. She's here, isn't she? What else could I do to prove that I'm sorry about before? My mind is reeling with questions but they all slip away and everything snaps into focus when Sydney rushes up to me. I smell the beer on her breath as she giggles, "Babe. Listen, I have to pee. Where the heck is the bathroom in the massive house?" I grabbed her hand as I smiled, "Come on, you can use the one upstairs next to my room." 

She bounced up the steps behind me and rushed into the bathroom once we made it to the door. She came out looking relieved and maybe a little buzzed. I wasn't sure, but I was sure about how beautiful she was. Her cheeks were rosy and she smiled at me like I was some magical being, it felt good being loved by Sydney. I waited for her in the hallway and as she walked out of the small bathroom she leaned into me and wrapped her arms around my waist, pushing herself up on her tiptoes so she was closer to my face. "Are you having fun frat boy?" she pressed a kiss to my cheek. 

"I'm not sure how I feel about this nickname. I think I'm more fond of babe or sweetie." I tell her frowning. 

"But you're my frat boy." she pouts. 

I roll my eyes and look into her crystal blue ones, losing myself in them for a moment. "As long as I'm yours." She sighs and lays her head against my chest. 

"Sometimes this doesn't feel real," she confesses softly. 

"I know Syd, but it is. We are real and someday we are going to look back on everything we have been through and it will be nothing but a memory. We will know how real this is because nothing else will ever be able to match up to it, this, us. This is as real as love gets. I believe that." 

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