Chapter 25

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Brooks POV

I sat at the kitchen table for a moment with Mr. Graves in silence. I've always liked him. He's always been very friendly and never seems to get worked up over little things the way my dad does. My adrenaline from my confrontation with my parents is still coursing through my veins so I feel jittery. I try to take a couple of deep breaths to calm myself down but it doesn't work. My stomach is in knots and I feel guilty for the way I spoke to my parents but so freaking mad that I don't know if I care. 

He starts the conversation, "Your mom called." My eyes dart up to meet his in panic. What did she say? Was she coming after me? Or did they call to say that the Graves family could keep me and they were done with me for good?

 "Well, things got pretty heated with my Dad," I admit. "He doesn't like it when things do go his way...I found out he lied to Sydney and me."

"So I've heard." his voice was calm and comforting to my uneasiness "I guess I don't understand what this is all about, do they not want you dating or do they not want you dating my daughter?

 Examining him slightly I notice he has the same blue eyes as Sydney, they stand out against his tanned complexion, working out in the sun every day has taken a toll on his skin, and the carpentry work has taken a toll on his body. You can see the calluses on his hands and the tiredness in his eyes from the hard work he does. I admire it for a moment. My dad runs his company but doesn't have to get his hands dirty too often. In the beginning, he did but now he's just the big man in the big office telling everyone else what to do. 

"They..think..well...they don't..." the words fumbling out of my mouth. "They don't think Sydney is good for me." I finally spill with a deep breath. 

"Ahhh..." he says as if a lightbulb just went off above his head. 

"I'm so sorry. I don't know why they feel that way. I don't feel that way, anything that doesn't fit into their perfect cookie-cutter life doesn't make sense to them but I think Sydney is one of the funniest, smartest, and most brave people I have ever met." I finish staring into his familiar blue eyes hoping he understands that I'm not my parents. Guilt grew in my gut for the judgment my parents have passed on his only child. 

"You know Brooks, I'm a pretty ordinary guy. I work hard and provide for my family, I am very lucky that in that I have found success but it hasn't come without lessons learned the hard way. I know my daughter is all of those wonderful things you said. She is also a smart ass, loud, and doesn't take a whole lot of shit from anybody...she gets that from her mother." He laughs. "I don't think that your parents mean any harm by their feelings toward Sydney, but I think maybe she scares them a little. Her unpredictable humor and the way she follows her heart. Try to understand from a parent's perspective that they only want what is best for you and giving you rules and expecting you to follow them is the only way they know how because that's worked so far. I love every hair on my daughter's head...but sometimes I don't know what to do with her, she beats to her own drum that one." He pauses, smiling thinking about Sydney.

 " Now you're almost 21 years old, becoming a man and you may decide to live your life differently than they did. Explaining that to them may be difficult, but they are just trying to help you to find happiness the way they have. It just doesn't always work like that. Trust me, I live with two spitfire women, my life is always unpredictable." Laughter vibrated through him. "But I wouldn't have it any other way."

"You're gonna be okay kid, you and your parents will be okay and I am sure whatever you choose to do with your life you will be successful. The same way I know Sydney will be." 

His words comfort the tension that has been swimming over my body, "I wish my dad and I could talk like this...thank you."  

"You can sleep on the couch. Sydney has been asleep since you left. I'll get you some blankets." And he stands up from the table slowly making his way into the other room. 

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