Chapter 12

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 Sydney's POV

After my little Brooks relapse in the Dawson's bathroom, I had to get some clarity and some distance from the situation. So I did what I do best and avoided my problems at all costs.

 It's been about 3 days since I hazily agreed to give Brooks another chance and he's been blowing up my phone ever since, trying to convince me to meet him somewhere so we can discuss "us" and whatever that actually means at this point.

 A conversation I am not quite prepared for so I continue to distract myself from it. I have a knack for procrastinating the inevitable, like the English project I have due Friday that I have barely started. I'll spend hours Thursday night finishing it while my mom yells at me from the kitchen that I shouldn't have waited so long to work on it and now I'll be up all night. This may be a situation I have put myself in one too many times over the last three years so I'm not sure why she wastes her breath fighting with me about it.

 Besides, I thrive under pressure, in my school work and personal life. It's how I set myself up for success, why change it now?

 My first two classes were a breeze and now it's time for lunch. I head down to the courtyard and I decide to skip the line today, grabbing a protein bar from the vending machine. I slip my book bag off my shoulder and throw it on the grass, I take my seat at our table and wait for everyone else to join. Maddie is the first one there having packed her lunch today, we exchange some basic conversation as the subject moves to the upcoming homecoming dance.

"So do have yourself a hot date yet ?" Maddie asks me.

"Hell no. I promised myself I was flying solo to these dances this year. That way no one can stop me from being out on the dance floor all night long, I'm talking shaking my ass until my feet are bleeding or Mr. Blake is walking around screaming at everyone to save room for Jesus." I say as we both laugh.

"What about you?" I ask her.

"No, nobody has asked me yet so maybe I'll be joining your no-date plan." She tells me as she picks at her turkey sandwich, a hint of sadness in her voice.

"You should think about going with Riley, he seems like he would be a lot of fun." Subtly dropping the hit that little bro Stevens is crushing on her.

"Riley? Seriously? That's so weird, he's just a sophomore." She says squishing her face up.

"Yeah, but a hot sophomore! I mean look at the kid." I tell her as I nod in the direction of our boys walking toward us. Sam leads the way with Luke and Clay on each side as Riley slowly paces himself behind the three of them. He's just as tall as Sam with a leaner build, sandy blonde hair that lays in a shaggy surfer boy way, with the most piercing green eyes I have ever seen.

 She looks back at me rolling her eyes but there's a glimmer there, one she may not want to admit but I am the Queen of secret loves apparently so I notice the look.  We greet them as they sit down at the table. Their conversation of course revolves around whatever sport they are currently battling each other against in Advanced PE.

    Quinn sits down moments later across from me at the table and starts in about how our vice principal won't listen to any of her ideas for the senior trip, and suddenly right in the middle of her very irritated rant she looks up and her mouth falls open, jaw almost hitting the table.

"What the hell happened to you?" I asked wondering if she swallowed her own tongue.

"Earth to Quinn!" Maddie snaps in front of her when the guys yell in unison..."Brooks!"

Now my jaw is hitting the table. What. the. hell. did. they. just. say?

My heart starts pounding in my ears and my palms begin sweating.

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