Chapter 38

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Sydney's POV 

We spent the rest of the day wandering around while Brooks showed us all his favorite spots on campus. We saw the library, ventured into one of the lecture halls, and stopped for a midafternoon coffee. The sun was shining brightly for it being the end of February and even though we were bundled up the chill in the air made the warmth of my beverage a nice relief from the cold. Brookss' hand stayed intertwined with mine the whole day and eventually the sun was starting to fade in the sky. We decided to order pizza back at the frat house for dinner and as much as I tried to ignore it I couldn't help but notice the tension growing between Quinn and Sam. 

Quinn and I chatted all throughout the day and the same with Sam and Brooks but they barely made eye contact with each other and I never once saw them reach for a hand or a hug. I told Quinn I would stay out of it but it's killing me to keep my mouth shut. 

When we were back at the house I decided to sneak Quinn away as Brooks and Sam started up a video game in the living room. When made our way upstairs and I closed the door of Brookss' room behind me as she sat down in the chair at his desk. She reached out and picked up the goofy picture of me and laughed, "Really?" 

"What? I'm adorable." I shrug and sit on the edge of the bed facing her. "Now spill it."

"Spill what?" she questions. 

"Nice try but you know what. Something is up with you and Sam and I swear if you don't tell me right now I'm going to go down there and throat-punch him." 

"Why do you think he deserves to be punched? Maybe it's me who you should be throat punching?" 

She's deflecting and it's annoying. 

"How do I know? Easy. I know Sam and the closer we get to graduation, the more controlling and possessive he has become over you Quinn. You have to tell me what is going on. Let me be there for you." I huff. 

Her eyes shift away from me and fiddle with a notepad on Brookss' desk. "It's college. I won't commit to Urbana. He's pissed but then again he's always pissed anymore. I don't think I can keep doing this Syd. I feel suffocated and numb. Every time he threatens to end it, it scares me less and less." Her eyes finally meet mine and I see the change in her. 

"Q, I'm so sorry, why didn't you tell me before I never would have asked you guys to come down here?" 

"No I wanted to come, I was hoping it would be a nice distraction and we could finally have some fun without all the serious talk about college but then the moment we step through the door he starts in with jealousy because one guy looked in my direction. What would happen if we went to the same college? Is he going to keep me locked in the closet and only let me out for class so that no one can look at me? I'll have nothing but him and that terrifies me." 

"You deserve more than that," I assure her. 

"I know I do." Her eyes look sad as she stares at the wall in front of us. 

"So what are you going to do?" 

"Well, the first thing is I'm going to get through this weekend, after that, I have no idea." she shrugs her shoulders. 

I reach out and grab her hand, "No matter what, I've got you okay?" 

"I know. Thanks, Syd." she gives my hand a squeeze. 

We slowly venture back down to the boys and force them to shut off their video games and put on a movie. We even let them pick and of course, it's awful. I barely make it through the first hour before I'm dozing off on Brookss' shoulder. "Hey," he whispers, "Let's go up to bed." and he lifts me off the couch. I say my goodnight to Sam and Quinn as they grab their coats and head back to the hotel. I follow Brooks up to his room and once again his roommate isn't home. I dig in my bag for pajamas so I can go take a shower and I suddenly remember the neatly wrapped package that I had shoved into the side pocket of my duffel. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe I almost forgot to give you your present!" I call out to Brooks from across the room. 

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