Chapter 18

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2 years ago

The end of summer

    The days of that summer were slowly drifting away, this year was even worse though because at the end of it not only did school start but Brooks would be leaving. A fact I wasn't quite ready to accept.

My friends and I always made it our mission to make as many memories as possible and this year was no different. Typically we were pretty innocent but there was the occasion when we would cause some mischief. We would tp someone's house or sneak booze out on the docks, throw a party here or there but we never seemed to get into much trouble.

We were two weeks away from the start of school and one week away from my 16th birthday. A milestone that everyone was very excited to celebrate. Sam had turned 16 first and we had entertained him by going to Six Flags. He forced us to ride the biggest roller coasters over and over again until Layla ended up puking. Little Riley Stevens ate so many coney dogs that day that he also ended up with his head in a trash can. All in all, it was a success in Sam's eyes.

I was the second to hit the big 1-6 and all I wanted was a bonfire down on the beach. A little spot around Clay's family's dock and the closest thing to us was the sandbar, no one was over there after dark so we should be safe to hang without disturbance.

"So who do we need to put on the guest list ?" Luke asks excitedly as Clay pulls out his phone ready to start sending text invites.

We've all camped at our usual table at the cafe. A new waitress has started, her name is Maddie she's going to be a freshman this year. Quinn and I met her at cheer tryouts. She seems sweet so we've invited her to hang out with us a few times.

 "I was kind of thinking just us?" I ask more than tell them knowing it's not going to go over well.

"Seriously ???" Sam blurts out.

"Yeah, come on Syd. We need to invite more than just the six of us! That's such a lame party!" Luke begs.

"Bonfire. Not party, BONFIRE." I remind them. These boys can get carried away in a hurry if you let them.

"Who's having a party?" A voice asks from behind me. A voice I recognize all too well.

"None of your business," Layla says shoving past her brother and taking a seat at the table next to me.

I let out a small smile as Quinn kicks me under the table. Uh. Ouch. And I give her a little what the hell was that for" look and she just smiles back at me as if nothing has happened.

"We are trying to plan a killer birthday party for Sydney over here but she is refusing to let us make it a night she won't forget!" Clay pouts.

Sam and Quinn have lost interest in our party planning and are whispering in each other's ears all gross and lovey-dovey. I give her a kick under the table like the one she had delivered to my shin. HA. Payback and she turns her head and shoots me a glare, while I stick my tongue out at her with a laugh.

I smile and pucker my lips at her while her eyes burn into my face, getting a rise out of her is my favorite. Sam notices the exchange and just rolls his eyes, the two of us giggling.

"I want it to be small. Nothing crazy." I tell the boys again returning to the birthday debate.

"You should come, Brooks, bring some of the guys," Sam says.

"Yeah, how about no."Layla quips and the boys all laugh.

"Well, we wouldn't want to intrude," Brooks says shoving his hands in his pockets the way he always does.

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