Chapter 4

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Sydney's POV

I finished my school day trying to avoid the thoughts and memories in my head at all costs. I headed to the locker room to change for practice. We had been practicing all summer so we were more than prepped for the big game and only needed to perfect our final run-through. Should be easy enough. 

Quinn and I are co-captains this year and we run a pretty tight ship, along with Coach Kensington. We have both loved cheer since we were little babies crawling around daycare screaming at each other through megaphones. It was more like me screaming at her through my megaphone, but she always was laughing and clapping along. At least that's what our parents have told us.

    Both of us want to cheer in college but the biggest obstacle is where? In the back of my mind I keep telling myself she will follow Sam wherever he goes, but the hopeful part of me says she'll go with me to one of the schools that have offered us both a tryout on their squad. North Carolina State or Indiana University. So here's hoping.

As we circle up to stretch Quinn be-lines straight for me. Shit. She really isn't going to let this go.

 I give her my best "I'll smack the shit out of you if you bring this up now" looks and apparently it works because the worry in her eyes settles. We make it through two hours of practice, stretching, running, stunting, and chanting. I'm exhausted. As good of shape as Coach K has gotten us in this summer after flying and basing stunts for that long my legs, ass, and arms feel like jelly. All I want is a hot shower and some food.    

Quinn and I are walking out of the gym discussing all things cheer and football when we finally are far enough away from everyone else that she strikes up the courage to ask "Are you okay?"

    Not wanting to blow my best friend off because she's doing her friendly duties but also not wanting to go down that rabbit hole that is Brooks Dawson, I reply with the most convincing answer I can give her.

"As long as I don't have to see him, yes. And remember you can't tell Sam anything. If Layla found out she would never speak to me again."

In the most loving way, she promised me she would never say anything, knowing how much shit it would start. We hug, exchange love you's, and make our way to our cars.

I climb into my G6 and as I start the ignition, the car rumbles like its life is barely hanging on. I roll my eyes into the rearview mirror. Could this day get any more annoying? 

I shift into drive and make my quick trip home.


3 years ago


It's just around midnight when my phone buzzes. I pick it up and open the screen.

You up? -B

Just like so many nights since that night in the Dawson's kitchen, Brooks has texted me. Usually, it's nothing but small talk but I can't deny that my heart doesn't jump out of my chest every time he does.

Yeah as always. Can't sleep? -S

No, just up thinking... -B

Thinking? About what? Anything in particular? -S

Just this girl... -B

Oh no, girlfriend problems again? I thought things were better with you and Courtney. -S

Yeah, she's fine. But she's not the one I can't stop thinking about... -B

My stomach is doing cartwheels and I'm smiling so hard my face could break.

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