Chapter 17

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Sydney's POV

Once I finally made it home from the hospital my mom put me on lockdown. She told everyone at the hospital that I would have my phone so they could call but I needed my rest, so no visitors for a few days. I honestly didn't mind because I was exhausted and needed to sort out the mess in my head, literally and emotionally. My brain was already muddled and a concussion wasn't helping that cause at all. 

I lost two days in and out of sleep, between dreams of Brooks, and nightmares of the accident. Once I had enough energy to crawl out from under my sheets I found my old CD player, it still had a burnt CD that Brooks had made for me three years ago with songs he said reminded him of me, this thing was practically vintage but it was sweet. The words softly bounced around the room and gave me comfort as I tried my best to rest. Uneasiness kept creeping over me as I would wake up alone, surrounded by the gray walls of my room.

Brooks and Quinn kept checking in and were both anxious to visit. I told Brooks I needed him to wait to visit until after I talked with Layla. Mending our friendship was at the top of my post-concussion fuzziness list. 

Finally, on the third day, my mom agreed that it was okay for people to stop in. 

Quinn was there first, she tiptoed into my dark room and curled up next to me in bed. She brought all the homework assignments that I missed and a huge homemade card from all the cheerleaders. She filled me in on everything that had been going on the last three days. They were all preparing for the homecoming dance this coming weekend. A dance that I was now going to miss and I was too exhausted to care about.

Quinn showed me pictures of her dress, it was white, the fabric crossed in the front, tied up around her neck, and it flowed around her small waist the hem hitting her right above the knee. It looked beautiful and I was sure she would be crowned Homecoming Queen.

"That'll look even better with a tiara sitting on top of your head," I said to her from my pillow.

"Oh, who knows who will win." She says back nudging my arm.

"You and Sam are going to win."

"I hate that you'll be missing it." She pouts.

"There's always Prom." I remind her. "So, have you talked to Layla?" I ask quietly.

My head and my heart twinge at the reminder of my betrayal.

"Yeah, she's wanting to come to visit, but I don't think Brooks has told her anything because she hasn't said anything else to me about, you know... the situation." her response was tender, knowing how much pain this whole situation has caused me.

"He hasn't. He has been calling and I told him I wanted to be the one to tell her everything." I say. "I just hope she understands."

"She will. It may take some time, but eventually, she will." Quinn reassures me.

    We spent the rest of the evening laying in bed watching tv reruns of Friends until the sun had disappeared and Quinn had to head home. Promising she would be back later this week she kissed my forehead and left. Once again I was alone, my least favorite thing to be.

    The next day I slowly started playing catch up on my homework, after a few hours my head was pounding and I decided to take a nap. I didn't wake up until I heard a knock at my door stirring me from my sleep.

    "Sydney" my dad called quietly as he entered my room.

    I slowly lifted my head, "Yeah, dad what's up." I say sleep still heavy in my voice.

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