Chapter 44

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Sydney's POV

I flip Sam the bird as he blows me shit for being emotional. "Oh, big bad Sydney are those tears in your eyes?" 

"Is someone gonna miss me?" Luke shines his big smile as he pinches my cheek. 

"Screw you both, I always knew I liked you best," I said as I gave Clay one last hug. 

I see Sam's arm wrap around Quinn and for the briefest of moments, I see the spark back on both of their faces. She still hasn't decided on a college but neither have I. Looking at Brooks and the sadness that he's trying so hard to cover up I don't know how I could leave him after everything he has currently lost. I know he wouldn't prevent me from following my dreams but my heart wants so badly to mend his by committing to Lousiville It doesn't bring his family back to him but at least there wouldn't be so much distance between the two of us. The idea of him following me to NC has crossed my mind too, but he has already given up so much for us, when is enough, enough? Once again, my mind is back at square one.

I'm forced back into the present when my mom starts posing Dad and me for a photo. The rest of my friends went their separate ways to take pictures with their families and I watched as Layla made her way toward Brooks. Their parents hugged her and bolted faster than I'd ever seen them move with the excuse of her party to get ready for. As sad as it should have been for Layla, she seemed more comforted by the lack of tension than disappointed by the lack of their presence.

After my mom was done with our family photos, we can only hope that she got a few that weren't blurry, I grabbed my phone and told Layla and Brooks to stand together. 

"You two act like you love each other," I yelled and they both grimaced at each other with a laugh, "Okay then, act like you both love me!" I said much more enthusiastically and I caught the perfect photo, with Layla rolling her eyes and a smile spread across Brookss' face, "Man, you two must love me very much," I smirk and blow them both kisses. 

"Yeah, yeah..." Brooks says as he grabs me around the waist and pulls me closer to him. 

"Don't start with the lovey-dovey shit you two. I do not want to be nauseous before my party." Layla grips and to her surprise, Brooks pulls her into us too. "Oh come here sissy, there's plenty of hugs for you too!" we all start laughing as we stand there in a three-person hug. 

Layla backs away with a smile and slugs Brooks in the arm. "Gross." 

I watch as his eyes drop and turn a deep shade of green, "So, I don't know if you heard," he starts. 

Layla cuts him off, "Yeah. Mom and Dad got into a pretty big fight about it after you left, I'm sorry Brooks. Whatever he does or says just know it has nothing to do with me." The sadness was evident in her eyes as she looked up at her big brother.

"Well, it does mean I won't be at your party though, so I am sorry about that." He nudges her arm, "I'll make it up to you, we can hit DQ for some ice cream tomorrow and the first one who pukes gets to buy." 

"I'm not a little kid anymore, you can't trick me into eating contests I know I'm going to lose." she narrows her eyes at him. 

"Chicken?" he gleams at her and she glares back, "You're on." They are so competitive and my response is to roll my eyes at both of them. 

"I know Brooks can't come but you'll still be there, right? I told my parents you were invited, no exceptions and you know they will be on their best behavior with so many people there." Layla says silently pleading with me. 

I look at Brooks and then back at his sister. I hate that our relationship has put them both in this position and I hate even more that I feel trapped in the middle. "I'll be there, I just can't promise I'll stay long. I don't want anyone feeling any more uncomfortable than they already do." My hand reached out to grab hers. 

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