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After a prolonged shower this morning filled with unwelcome thoughts entering my aching mind, I'm pulling the black mom-jeans up my cold legs, followed by a tight fitted black turtleneck shirt. Knowing I will be freezing during the attack, I grab a long black coat from my closet, pulling it on and adjusting it to sit just right. 

We've decided on a dangerous way down to the rink of dealers, Joseph announced that our best tactic would be a surprise attack in their home. He's been investigating the entrances and actually found a new one, an entrance that none of the others had informed us of. Xavier even took to the basement and had another torture session with Zanto, he got nothing from it though, Zanto is as good as lifeless down there.

Looking at myself in the mirror, my wavy hair is falling down my shoulders, the outfit suits me and gives off a vibe that I quite appreciate. What shocks me the most are my eyes, they haven't looked this alive in years, being here with the mafia and all the changes with Xavier, everything has contributed to me looking more peaceful than I've ever allowed myself to be. 

Shaking my head, I open the suitcase of weapons inside my closet, grabbing three guns. Tucking one into my waistband of the pants hidden by the coat, another into my black boots, and the third in a hidden pocket in the coat. I need to have enough weapons in case I lose some of them, the dealers are fucking deadly. 

Knowing I have five places in the coat besides the one hiding the gun, I grab three different knives, two with long shafts and the third a finger knife for me. The probability of needing more sharp weapons is high, which is why I stack the rest of the pockets with throwing blades. 

Practical and can kill from a distance. 

Leaving the room with the weight of all the weapons, I walk downstairs to the sound of a lot of people. My eyes find Santi and Oriana seated by the kitchen island, amongst a lot of mafia members scattered everywhere. 

Santi's eyes cut to mine and he smiles at me, "Eloisa! Have you seen all these men? They're dressed to impress!"

His words have me loosening up for the first time this morning, smiling I shake my head, "You're delightful, Santi. Have you seen me then?"

He picks up on the joking tone in my voice, jumping down from his chair and hugging me to him, "You're the best looking one of all of them."

My heart bursts at his words and I ruffle his black hair, the thought of not returning home to the two of them tonight actually frightens me. I look at Oriana and her eyes are immersed in worry, although a smile is operating on her lips. 

I understand it. 

Her entire family, her entire home, is leaving for a fucking dangerous attack. None of us know the outcome, she has to stay home and wait for us to return. She is risking losing her cousin, which must be absolutely terrible. 

Giving her a reassuring smile, "All of us will be fine."

She visibly gulps, "Yeah, of course. I'm being drama, it's okay."

Santi is still hugging me, so I support his back while leaning closer to Oriana, "You're not being drama, you're concerned. Don't downplay your feelings because you feel like you should, it's more than okay to feel these things."

"You taught me that it's amateurish to reveal my feelings," She responds with a smile. 

"No, not towards family," Shaking my head. "Only towards the enemy and strangers."

"Thank you, Eloisa," She says to me sincerely. 

At that moment Xavier steps into the kitchen, his presence has the entire mafia quieting down and concentrating on him. He doesn't spare them a glance, leading towards me with determination in his strides. Cupping my cheeks, he places his lips onto mine and the surprise has me freezing slightly, before returning the gesture with just as much passion. 

Our lips move in perfect sync and I forget everything about where we are, the only thought is on him and how his strong scent is drowning me. Both of us acknowledge where we're going tonight, last night felt like us making love for the last time. It all comes crashing down in a few hours, the thought scares the fucking shit out of me. 

"Uncle Xavi," Santi says from between us, we jump apart at the sound and Xavier looks at his nephew with tenderness in his gorgeous eyes. "You can't just come in here and kiss her, I was in the middle of showering her with compliments."

His words make me laugh and Xavier smiles at me, his eyes zeroing in on my dimples, "You can compliment her all you want, but she's mine and I will kiss her whenever I want."

Santi glares at his uncle while I try to ignore the flutters in my chest, "No, Eloisa is mine! She even taught me how to shoot with a bow and arrows. What did she teach you, huh?"

Xavier looks towards me with so much profound love reflecting in those black eyes of his, the warmth of his stare throws me off and I know what he's conveying. That soundless confession is enough to shock me to my core, my whole body trembles and I grip the counter with one hand. Did he just tell me I taught him how to love? Am I reading into things?

"Boss," A voice speaks from the living room, both Xavier and I conceal our emotions instantly before turning towards the member who spoke. I've seen him around here before, but I don't know who he is or his position. 

"What?" Xavier speaks in an authoritative voice. 

He looks down at the ground, not meeting our eyes, "We sent a group out to investigate the new entrance, they caught some of the dealers talking about an attack. I think they're onto us, but I really don't know how they figured it out."

"Anything else?" He answers, his voice is so fucking distant and it's been a while since I witnessed that side of him. 

The member shakes his head and Xavier tilts his head to the side, "Dismissed."

He scurries off after that, not wanting to pull Xavier's attention for too long. 

"It could be Bastien," I say to him under my breath and Xavier nods his head, this just shifted the attack for us and made it riskier. 

Fiery Revenge⎪✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora