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Moving day will always be the worst day to ever exist. 

I fucking hate some of the men in this mafia, and I can't deal with their asses throughout the entire day today. But this is what I'm currently suffering through, since the mafia officially is moving base from the Romano mansion to this beautiful palace in front of me. It's insane to think how much it cost, but Xavier told me to shut up when I tried to offer some money. 

Such a charmer, really. 

"Eloisa," Marc pipes in from next to me, the playful smile of his lets me know that he'll say something stupid. "You know, with these new arrangements here, will you be sleeping with me then?" 

Xavier shows up at that exact point, slapping Marc across the back of the head. His eyes meet mine and he smiles, "He's a dickhead, don't worry about it."

"Are any of you guys gonna help or what?" Santi sasses from his spot behind us, placing his hands on his hips and raising an eyebrow at us.

I smile at him before shaking my head, "No, you're on moving duty for the day."

He spots the challenge in my eyes and smiles, "Your ass needs to workout."

Xavier gasps at this, I've never heard him gasp before, "This is what they teach kids these days? I swear, Santi, you're done hearing that shit ass WAP song."

Santi comes closer to me and throws his arms around my waist, looking up at me with a pout, "I'm only joking, Eloi."

Ignoring how much that nickname hurts, I ruffle his hair and smile down at him easily, "I know, Santi."

"Oriana!" I hear Xavier exclaim to his cousin, Marc laughs loudly at this and shakes his head at his mafia boss. "Get your fucking son under control."

Santi tightens his grip on me and I chuckle when Oriana steps to the front, "Santi, what did you do?"

"Nothing, mamma!" He yells into my shirt, hiding his face from all the adult eyes staring him down. "Eloisa and I were only joking, I promise."

I smile at her and nod once, "Don't worry about it. Santi will be cooking me dinner for the next couple of days though."

He nods at this, "I can definitely do that, yes."

She chuckles before shaking her head at us, "Suit yourself."

"You got a kid, Martinelli?!" A familiar voice yells in panic. 

My eyes roll before meeting Rocco's surprised ones when he steps out of his car, "He's ten, you goddamn idiot."

"Well, feels like I haven't seen you in the past ten years," Rocco shrugs his shoulders and Santi hurries over to his mom, the shy side of him showing again. 

Walking up to Rocco, I throw my arms around him in a hug without thinking. He stiffens before returning the gesture, "Are we hugging?"

"I suppose so," I nod my head, stepping away from him. 

His blue eyes cut to Xavier who's watching us with a dazzling smile on his lips, "You ruined her, why is she hugging me?"

"That's not on me," Xavier says with hands raised in surrender. 

The rest of them laugh before getting to work, Santi and Oriana help each other on a box from the truck. Marc carries two boxes, he literally can't see shit and I'm excited to see him stumble up the stairs to the front door.

I hear Marc ask Oriana who Rocco is before the three of them disappear up the stairs, unfortunately, he doesn't trip. 

"Martinelli," Rocco sings playfully from next to me, Xavier chuckles at my exasperated expression. "If there's a prize for rotten judgment, I guess you've already won that-"

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