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Adjusting the tight black dress on my body, I enter the club and ignore the stares from the bouncers. One of them threw me out for an assault once, but I doubt he would do it again. Now he knows how insane I can get when I want to, it's nothing to be too proud of, but I take respect very seriously. That's how it is. 

The sultry darkness envelops my frame and welcomes me to the grinding mass of sweaty bodies, my mind keeps up with the workings of this club and how everything is handled in here. My reason for being here tonight is the theory that Mr. Romano might be as well, and hopefully the night will end up in a quick fuck with some of the desperate people in here. I need my desires to be accommodated. 

Music pounds everywhere and my heartbeat matches the loud rhythm, allowing myself to indulge in the feeling of it for a moment. This was my life once, enjoying the nightlife and drinking with my friends. This scenery brings me back. 

Shaking my head, I remove those thoughts from my mind. This isn't what I need. My body starts swaying to the music with a sexual undertone, making it easier for me to lose myself in it for a second. My dark hair is curled and flies around in the following of my body's movements. The air suffocating and the scent of sultry filling the air. 

The gun perched between my legs rubs against my thigh, reminding me of my reason for being here. My eyes slowly scan the dark room and rightfully so, Mr. Romano is seated in the VIP lounge with a group of men and women. They're drinking and appear to be enjoying their night. The sight has me smirking and I inch closer to them, knowing that they have men in here tracking everyone's moves. 

A man leaves the group and approaches the bar, seeing my chance I join his side and catch the bartender's attention. The bartender smiles at me, "What can I get for you?"

"A straight vodka for me," I say with a smile and turn to the man from the VIP lounge. "And you?"

He blinks in surprise by my confidence, "I'll have the same as the lady."

The bartender runs off and I smile at the guy next to me, "Nice to meet you, I'm Eloisa."

Deciding to give him my true name could prove to be idiotic, but Mr. Romano already knows it and I won't stand up there and have him out me for it. The guy smirks at me after scanning my body, "I'm Marc, the pleasure is all mine."

His blue eyes wink at me when his hand ruffles his blond hair, the action does nothing to me but I deliver a shy smile in return. "Are you here by yourself?" He asks carefully.

"My friend left with some dude," I lie easily with a shrug. Smiling at the bartender when he gives us our drinks. Marc thanks him and turns to me, placing his hand on my upper arm. 

"Will you join me in the VIP lounge?" He questions, the confidence oozing from him clearly shows how proud he is of staying up there. 

"VIP lounge?" I ask him, faking surprise. 

"Yeah," He chuckles and scratches the back of his neck. "You in?"

"Sure," I say slowly, downing my entire drink before grasping his outstretched hand and following him to the booth. 

All eyes cut to mine and on our interlaced fingers, clearly Marc mustn't bring a lot of women up here. As much is clear. Mr. Romano notices us and his intense stare cuts to me instantly, not an ounce of emotion shows on his face and I give him an indifferent one in return. 

Marc pulls me with him down onto his seat, I cuddle up to his side and relish in the act. I need to act my part in order to stay up here. His hand lands on my waist and his rough grip is actually doing something to me, that's probably the thirst in me talking. Luckily, he isn't too bad looking and I can definitely make it work somehow. 

The intense stare is still on me, Mr. Romano has his hard eyes set on us and that fact makes me feel naughty. A deep fire suddenly evokes in my body. The pounding music, the sultry air, having a man next to me, Mr. Romano's hot stare, everything becomes too much for my deprived brain. 

Marc looks down at me and I grab his chin in my hand, leading him down and placing my lips on his. His grip on my waist tightens and our kiss slowly increases in need, a shiver dances down my legs when I can feel Mr. Romano staring at us and how our tongues are fighting for dominance. I truly shouldn't feel this way about him, but he makes me feel some type of way and my fucked up mind barely manages to reason anymore. 

My fingers tangle into his hair and he groans against my lips, this man surely knows how to kiss. It actually shocks me slightly, but I don't know the true reason behind the desire between my legs. Whether it being Marc and his kisses, or the fact that I have the intense gaze of Mr. Romano on every part of my body while doing something vulgar. 

Marc's hand grips my ass roughly and I suppress a moan from escaping, the feeling of someone's hands on me is amazing. This is exactly what I need. A deafening sound suddenly barges through the air and I rip myself away from Marc, screams fill the club and my hazy mind tries to make up what's happening. 

Several gunshots ring through and I squat down behind a couch in the corner of the lounge, grabbing the gun from my thigh holster I duck and stay hidden. My eyes scanning the room and ignoring the blood curdling screams from drunk people. Marc is sprawled across the floor, his widened eyes cut to the gun in my hand. Either he had no clue about the mafia or he's simply shocked that I'm somehow involved. It doesn't matter anyway, now my night is ruined and the gunshots are still firing through the club. 

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