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Ensuring I have enough bullets in my gun, I turn towards the commotion. Multiple dead bodies spread out across the dancefloor, the music has stopped; leaving only the sounds of gunshots. The reason behind these guys in here makes no sense to me. I aim my gun and shoot one of the men, hitting him right between his eyes. He falls to the floor instantly and I can slowly sense the panic of the others. Another man steps into my aim of fire and I hit him straight in the heart, the bullet pierces his skin and he screams in pain. 

Two down. 

"Who the fuck is out there?" A male voice booms through the room, his anger humoring me slightly. He clearly didn't expect someone to have a gun in here. "Show yourself!"

They search every corner and appear to be confused, not spotting my position in the VIP lounge. I want to take them on, they can't call the shots here. I won't allow it. Deciding to let fate be fate, I stand up and four pairs of eyes land on me instantly. Stepping onto the dance floor covered in blood, I meet their angry stares with an indifferent one. They hide behind masks and it provokes a humored scoff to leave my lips, clearly offending them. 

"What's so funny?" The guy closest to me speaks. 

Walking up to him, I ignore their raised weapons and tap my gun against his chest twice, "The cowardness of the situation, stronzo."

"We aren't cowards, damsel," He says, and I want to choke him by that term alone. Fucking disgusting. His eyes suddenly light up in recognition and he smirks at me, "Eloisa Martinelli, is it?"

Not giving him an answer to his question, he shakes his head in shock and humor, "Well, at least we found you and our sources spoke the truth. Order is out for catching you, dead or alive, the money truly speaks lengths for how much these people want you."

"Pathetic, you can't possibly expect me to believe mind games," I say to him. "I've turned ruthless and manipulative, no one escapes from me and my ways of toying with human lives. Tell me, is that something you'd like to challenge?"

"I don't care. You are quite stupid to come out like this. You're outnumbered and all of us kill with no remorse, do you understand what I'm saying? Your life means shit compared to the sum of money we can get in exchange."

In the darkness of the room, I spot Mr. Romano stepping out of the shadows. His feet carry themselves in large strides, but no sound follows the movement. He comes up behind them and slits the throat of the one in the back, his body drops to the floor instantly. The dark eyes of the mafia boss meet mine and the deep, black pools shock me; he's here to kill. 

I grab my gun and shoot one of the guys in the back, while Mr. Romano kills another one with a skillful slice of his knife. The only one left is the weak guy in front of me, who dared threaten me. I tilt my head to the side and stare at him indifferently, "I didn't quite catch that, care to repeat yourself?"

He glares at me, the fear hides behind his eyes and it makes me feel good. "Go to hell," He whispers in a shaky breath. 

"Oh honey," I wear a smile like a loaded gun, and place that exact weapon against his sweaty forehead. "Where the fuck do you think I came from?"

Pulling the trigger, he drops to the floor in front of me and I step over his dead body. Looking at the dangerous man in front of me, I tuck the gun into my thigh holster again and he raises his eyebrows at the action. "Going up against six guys?" He asks, his tone giving nothing away of how he's feeling. 

"Don't underestimate me."

"You didn't take all of them down alone, amore," His statement has me slightly annoyed. 

"No, Mr. Romano. That's because I have my own set of preferences," Standing to my full height after securing the gun, I stare up into his dark eyes. A shiver dances down my spine by the stale smell of blood in the air, mixed with the way he's looking at me. His eyes are devouring me, leaving my body trembling. 

"What do you prefer then?" 

"I like to play," I breathe, ignoring how the tension heightens, my heart pounds in my chest. "I enjoy toying with them."

"Quite a show you gave tonight," He growls at me and I'm instantly brought back to kissing Marc. I wonder if he died tonight. Mr. Romano stares at me with such intensity, it really does make it hard for me to breathe and provokes me to forget about everything around us. 

"Call it what you'd like," I speak, trying to get a grip of myself. "Unfortunately, my evening plans were ruined the second these cretini started shooting around."

"Enlighten me, amore," His Italian tongue has me breathless. 

"Of what exactly, Mr. Romano?" I try to control my erratic heart. 

He raises his eyebrow, the action making him too alluring. "Your evening plans, Eloisa," My name rolls of his sinisterly dangerous tongue so easily, goosebumps dance along my skin. 

"I don't think they're any of your business."

"Harsh," Humor flashes in his black eyes, the first time I've truly spotted emotion on him. His expressions are, usually, as indifferent as mine. "Will you hide for a while now?"

"Why should I?"

"People are searching for you, they want you dead."

Crossing my arms across my chest, "I simply can't bring myself to care, Xavier. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get the fuck out of here before the cops show up."

"You're scared of bad guys hiding behind a legal uniform, no?" He asks, I ignore his accent and back away from him slowly. 

Feeling the darkness of the room hugging my frame, I send him a small smirk and tilt my head to the side. "It's impossible to be scared of anyone, especially when I can set the world on fire."

He raises an eyebrow at me, "Till next time, amore."

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