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There was no room for preparation, when I equipped myself heavily with weapons, ranging from knives to corkscrews, to guns. I'm carrying a holster on each thigh, some weapons are arranged skillfully inside my bun, others are tucked into the security of my black boots. I have to prepare myself for them to remove my thigh holster the minute I step into the building. 

A knock sounds on the door to my bedroom and Marc steps inside, the franticness of his actions has me on alert. His blue eyes cut to me, "Eloisa, I won't stop you from leaving, but I will track and follow you. If you go down there alone they'll kill all of you, I'm sure you know this as well."

"You need to keep your mouth shut about it though," I tell him, tightening my bun and examining it in the mirror. "They unquestionably have an insider in the mafia, so you can't go around and tell everyone."

Marc might seem kind of sketchy at times, but Xavier has worked closely with him for years now. The two of them trust each other and I trust Marc. He simply wants to help his friend and the leader of the mafia, I'm nobody to deny him that. 

Marc nods his head, "I won't tell anyone, we need to be cautious though. Are you ready to go?"

"Yes," I answer and pull on a black leather jacket. Gripping the doorknob I meet his eyes again, "Don't fuck this up, they'll kill Xavier if any of us do."

"I won't," He assures and I leave the room. 

Rushing downstairs, I see Oriana standing in the middle of the living room. Her eyes are swollen from crying, the sheer terror is written behind them. I really need to leave and someone really needs to help her out, she isn't doing too well.

"I'll bring him home, Ori," I promise her with a nod. 

"I need both of you home," She sniffles.

"None of us will die, okay?"

She shakes her head, willing herself to appear more confident, "No... No, of course not. The mix of Martinelli and Romano will be dangerous for anyone who faces it."

"I'll see you later," I say to her and leave the living room, entering the freezing garage where a member is standing. His arms are crossed in front of his bulging chest, the action seems too unyielding for someone whose boss is in danger. 

Disregarding him, I walk to the key counter and he moves in front of me, "No."

"Who the hell are you?" I find myself asking in anger, it sizzles under the surface and has my fingers twitching. "No, I don't fucking care who you are, you're insignificant. Get out of my face, deficiente." (moron).

"I won't leave," He declares in a rough voice. 

Instantly grabbing my gun from the holster, I shoot his foot and he yells in pain while scampering away. Grabbing a random key, I unlock the vehicle and hurry towards the Black Tesla that lights up. The idiot is still in the garage, he's in my way once again and I push him brutally, "I said get out of my fucking face!"

"You'll die!" He screams after me when I open the car door.

Marc comes running into the garage at that exact moment, recognizing what happened he motions for me to drive. I can't bring myself to care, so I sit down in the vehicle and start it. It's bothersome how these members value a comment Xavier made over the risk of him dying, can't they be disloyal this one fucking time?

My phone is locating the address while I pull off the premises, once it pops up I see the thirty-minute drive I have ahead of me. The amount of minutes has me speeding up, driving recklessly through the streets, and trying to keep the thoughts from overrunning my mind. They won't benefit me in the long run. 

Xavier will be alive once I get there because the masked man knows I want him alive in order for me to even consider the idea of showing up. 

I'm almost convinced it must be Dracona. 

Zanto is dead, Carlos Romano is dead, the only one left is Dracona.

We thought he was dead, and yet here we are. 

Such amateurs. 

My grip on the steering wheel is deadly, images of a bloodied Xavier torture my mind and I push on the speeder. The speed I'm driving at is dangerous, especially in the heavy rain right now, I don't have control over the vehicle anymore, but I want to reach him. My throat squeezes by the thought of him dead, I can't find another person close to me killed.

He isn't ready to die, and I won't stand by and do nothing while they kill him. 

Apparently, this fight has nothing to do with Xavier. He is used as a means to the matter, Dracona wants me there. Xavier is my bait. I know all of this and yet I find myself rushing towards him, walking straight into the trap and placing myself in jeopardy. 

I don't care.

My life has never meant anything, not after my family was killed. I fooled myself into believing I could be someone again, someone who meant something, but that's ridiculous of me. My life is supposed to be like this, dangerous, frightful, illegal, I'm supposed to fight through these situations time and time again. 

It's not even me pitying myself, this is the mere truth of the matter.

The road ends in front of me and I look down onto my phone, it's stating I've arrived. The building to my right is one big square, the red paint clipped and the windows are tinted. It seems rundown and damaged, along with that it's the only building I've seen in miles. The ideal place to kill someone. 

Stepping into the freezing rain, I walk up to the building and open the door. Keeping the weapons in their rightful places, to begin with, no reason to start the bloodbath before Marc has a chance to come and assist. 

It's fucking cold in here, goosebumps spread across my skin and the leather jacket has me feeling uncomfortable. My boots clack against the cemented floor, the darkness allowing me no visibility. I can sense the boxes stashed everywhere, light shines from the farthest end of the building and I step in that direction. 

I hope someone up there is guarding me because I might've just signed my own deathwish. 

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