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Tucking a small knife into my bun, I give myself a once-over in the mirror, appreciating how the black dress compliments my features. With a spaghetti strap going over my left shoulder, it leaves the right bare. It rests against my curves and I like how it ends right by my knees, giving me an elegant vibe. 

Xavier invited me to eat out with him and my curious soul could never say no to such an offer, it would give me a chance to talk deeper with him. Perhaps even give me a chance to figure him out, know what his intentions are. 

I'm certain he only does this so he can feel me out as well, both of us never share shit and it freaks us out. But that's also what makes me enjoy it, he is difficult for me to read and yet my body wants him in ways I can't explain. I have only been here for a day, but I know he would rather seek me out now than do it when I've already done damage to his mafia. 

This evening is important to me, I need to be on my best game or he will pounce instantly. This man is probably the best manipulator and mind reader I have ever encountered, he knows what he's doing and his skills could very well outweigh mine. Hence me needing to be on my best game and giving him no reason to suspect me of anything. 

Grabbing a pair of black heels, I tighten the three straps across my foot and am satisfied with my look. Opening the door, I spot a man already in the hallway, he nods his head at me with a smile that accentuates his wrinkles, "Miss Martinelli, boss is waiting for you already."

"Where is he?"

"In the car outside," He answers and helps me down the stairs with an outstretched hand. I accept his gesture, since the elderly will always have a special place in my cold heart. 

"Thank you," I smile at him and his eyes zero in on my dimples. 

Leaving him standing in the kitchen, I grab a simple black leather jacket and place it over my bare arms. Stepping outside the house, Xavier is standing by the passenger door of the black SUV and he opens it for me when I near him. 

The smirk on his face makes me feel some type of way, needing to remind myself that this is a business meeting. Nothing more than that. 

He sits down in the driver's seat and turns to me, his black eyes are as intense as ever, "You look breathtaking, Eloisa."

My eyes scan his frame, the black dress pants with a black shirt tucked into it, he does 'handsome' so effortlessly. "Likewise, Xavier," I tell him with a quick smile and turn away from him, needing to rid myself from these weak emotions stirring. 

Patetica, Eloisa. 

He starts the car and drives off, leaving the safety of the mansion behind and entering the streets. His cologne is crushing me, almost provoking me to inhale it. So rich and masculine. It's fucking difficult to stay in line when my body craves his, I have never experienced anything this intense before. 

The car ride is spent in silence and I only break it to thank him when he opens the door for me, we finally reach the restaurant. An elegant vibe with tall windows and huge chandeliers, candles are dancing in the darkness of the room and I'm completely enthralled. 

A blonde girl approaches us when we enter, "Mr. Romano?"

"Indeed," He simply states and she gives him a seemingly seductive smile. 

"Follow me, please," Only now did she glance at me, cold, before turning around and walking towards the back of the restaurant. 

Bitch needs to behave, I won't hesitate to cut that snarky tongue out of her ugly ass gate. Xavier places his fiery hand on the small of my back, helping me with my violent thoughts and leading me along with the waitress' guide to a secluded table. An overview of a lake. My mental mouth must be hitting the floor by now. 

"This is fucking impressive," I state and Xavier seems humored at my choice of words, a dark chuckle leaves him and I'm shocked. The waitress appears uncomfortable by my harsh tongue, but I can't bring myself to care when she scurries off. 

Xavier pulls the chair out for me and I'm blown away by his actions, it truly hits me now how much of a gentleman he actually is. Wouldn't expect a ruthless killer to be so delicate in manners. 

He sits down in front of me, his dark features are only enhanced by the candle illuminating them. Those black eyes are cutting straight into my own and I seem to struggle with tearing my gaze away. 

"Should I fear for the life of the waitress?" He asks me with a smile. 

"It wasn't that obvious," I try to convince him. 

"Oh, it was."

"Oh, well, maybe you should then. I don't do too well with discourtesy nor rudeness, although tempting, I won't kill her for being disrespectful," Telling him this he chuckles a little, the second time tonight, quite impressive. 

"Have you ever been here before?" He suddenly speaks after a small and comfortable silence, his smoky voice hits me in my gut and I scan his handsome face. 

"I haven't," Answering him. 

He raises an eyebrow at me and tilts his head to the side, only making him ten times hotter, "Glad to be your first then, Miss Martinelli."

Smiling, "Never expected you to have a playful side, Mr. Romano."

His eyes scan my face with a seemingly interested stare, "There's actually quite a lot you don't know about me."

"I would believe so, yes."

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

He scans the restaurant once before looking at me again, "What is hidden behind those dangerous, emerald irises of yours? You have probably seen more pain than I know, have you not?"

A new waiter steps up to our table, cutting off our sentence and leaving me confused on what I would like to eat. 

"My name is Mason, I'll be your waiter tonight. Do you know what you'd like to enjoy?" His dark voice shocks me, it contradicts his light hair and blue eyes. Speaking of, those eyes are very actively inspecting every part of my body. 

"Pasta with Lamb Ragú, a bottle of your red of the night," Xavier speaks, his voice is cold and forces Mason's eyes to leave my body. 

Not for long though, after he has typed down Xavier's order he turns to me with a provocative smirk, "And for you, darling?"

Quite funny how he uses darling, that's my nickname before I kill someone. 

"The same for me," I tell him indifferently, my reaction doesn't seem to phase him and he walks away after nodding at me. 

My eyes cut to Xavier's, he doesn't seem too pleased and I roll my eyes, "Desperate prick."

This comment makes him chuckle, his eyes crinkling and the sight leaves me absolutely breathless. 

"Fuck, you're amazing," He speaks with honesty, the words are like a punch in the gut. That compliment was so unexpected and came out too naturally. 

"Thanks," I say with a smile of my own. 

Fiery Revenge⎪✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora