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Stepping into the abandoned building, I hear the silence in booming sounds; too silent. My feet carry themselves across the littered floor, trying to seek out the bastardo that sleeps in here. Ever since I left Rocco three nights ago, I've tried everything in my power to know more about Carlos Romano. It has actually brought something useful to the table. 

After torturing a credible source in the park last night, he told me that Dracona has taken both Zanto and Carlos in. Apparently, the three of them are staying together in the hell that is their search for me. 

Now, I need to find a certain dealer who lives in this abandoned building. He should know more about the situation and after what I was told, he should be one of the more trusted ones in both Carlos' and Dracona's eyes. 

My feet carry themselves closer and the nightly air doesn't provide any trace of sight in here. 

A soft snore suddenly flies through the air and my eyes cut to the sound, a beastly man is sleeping on the floor and by the rumored scar running down his right eye, I know he is the right guy. This is the one who can officially bring some answers to the table. 

I snatch the gun he clutches to his chest and tuck it into my pants, grabbing my own gun again. Choosing to challenge him from the beginning I shoot both his feet, two bullets pierce his skin and the man awakens with a pure scream of pain. 

Blood oozes from the wounds and I tilt my head to the side, looking down at the frightened man on the floor in front of me. Now incapable of walking, he desperately crawls away from me in terror. 

"Who are you?" He speaks. 

"I would say your worst nightmare, but that's a bit too cliché for me, you know?" Tapping the gun against his head, he slaps my hand away and I smirk at the action. "I've got a sensitive one here, haven't I?"

"You're Italian," He states, a pained puff of breath leaves his lips. 

"Such sharp wisdom in the middle of the night, I'm quite impressed."

"Fuck you," He hisses and I shoot his foot again, a cry falls from his lips. 

"That was your thirty-fourth mistake, darling. Probably shouldn't keep it up," My voice is cold and he winces in pain again. "I'm here to get some answers and you'll bring them to me."

"What makes you so sure?" He spits at me and I grab the knife from my pocket, squatting down in front of him, I grip his wrist and drive the blade down his arm before stabbing into the skin. His free hand tries to aid the area when I pull it out again and his screams fill up the air. 

"I love torture, it makes everything fun all of a sudden."

His eyes are droopy from the loss of blood, "What do you want to know?"

"Carlos Romano. Tell me where he is," Twirling the knife around in front of him, his eyes grow frightened as they cut to the action. 

"With Dracona."

"I know that already. Where are they?" 

"They will kill me if I tell you," He whispers, the façade is already breaking. I would have thought that Dracona taught his dealers a little better. 

"I will kill you if you don't, and I'll even add the pleasure of doing it slowly," My words scare him once again and he closes his eyes tightly. 

"The rink of dealers is an underground rink, three openings are spread throughout the city. One of them next to The Dungeon and Rixta downtown in the alley, the two others are hidden in plain sight, one in the park by the huge tree next to the fountain and the other in the woods. Carlos and Dracona are walking around down there, ensuring that everything runs smoothly," Now he talks, it makes me smirk. 

"Are they still out for Eloisa Martinelli?"

"Yes, even worse than before because she killed so many of us."

"Why isn't Carlos Romano hiding with the mafia he was a leader of once?" The question has been running through my mind. 

"His son can't be trusted."

"What do you mean?"

He shakes his head swiftly, trying to gain some consciousness, "Xavier Romano is always up to something, no one knows what it is or what it could lead to, but he isn't trustworthy. Carlos was smart enough to recognize this before staying at the Romano mansion. And before you ask, I don't know where the mansion is, Xavier Romano doesn't talk and neither does his men."

"And who is Zanto in this entire plot?" I ask, knowing how useful this answer could be. 

"Zanto met Eloisa Martinelli in Xavier Romano's office, she shot him in the knees for no reason and he has been out for her ever since. In his head, she doesn't know that he survived that whole ordeal," Spilling everything here. 

We have someone who is out for revenge on me then. 

"Are you a dealer?"


"Then why are you sleeping in an abandoned building?" 

"I don't trust the other dealers and choose to distance myself from them, you can't trust anyone in this game."

The pain from his wounds and blood loss is catching up to him, his body tilts to the side and I feel quite satisfied with the answers of tonight. Xavier isn't who I thought he was, but he isn't who his father thought he was either. 

This mess just grew even bigger and I truly don't know who I should trust. 

"Is there anything you're keeping from me that I should know?" 

He tries to open his eyes to no avail, "No. Can't you just kill me?"

Raising my gun into the air, I aim straight at his forehead and pull the trigger. His body drops to the floor instantly and I walk away from the scene, not wanting to witness what I just did to him. He truly knew a lot, which makes it known how close he must have been with Carlos and Dracona. 

They will know he died, before long they will know and they will come for me. I just don't know where to hide. I don't have anywhere, no one I can trust. 

My bet is to approach my apartment and hope for the best, if Xavier seeks me out then I'll simply have to kill him. He must have gotten the point either way, I haven't been there in over two weeks, I'm sure he's looking elsewhere by now. It would only make sense.  



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