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Tending to the angry scars on the soles of my feet, I try to stop my brain from wandering again. It has been two weeks since I ran away from Xavier, he hasn't found me yet, but I know he's on the hunt for me. 

There is an uncertainty with him, he can be the Xavier I spent that night with, the one who held me in the club when I was panicking. Or he could be the mafia boss who's loyal to the former leader, the man who wants to chain me up and probably torture me for answers. I can't trust him or his intentions anymore, he knows there's a plan about to happen with me leading it. 

One of my dealers in the city has seen him, he's searching every crevice of the clubs downtown. It's tempting to show myself and test him, see where he truly stands and if he wishes to kill me before I kill his father. Rocco has forbidden me from doing that, though.

He's been keeping track of me all the fucking time. I've been hiding in plain sight from everyone. 

In the club that Rocco owns, in fact. The Dungeon has been my escape, there is a hidden room behind a curtain in the back of the staff room. That's where I am at the moment. Trying my best not to take those steps into the real world and see the man I slept with because of a horny and honest mistake. 

It would be completely stupid of me. The old Eloisa would have slapped me or cut out my tongue, searching out a highly dangerous man for pathetic needs. I won't do it. 

I ran to Rocco two weeks ago and he placed me inside this room instantly. With no windows, a small bed and a restroom to the side, this is exactly what I need right now. My feet are healed by now and I praise myself and an ointment Rocco bought for that. 

Apparently, I can say the same for Xavier. Rocco saw him walking around perfectly fine on his feet, acting as if I didn't even shoot him there in the first place. It makes no sense to me, but I guess he deals with pain better than I first thought. 

He is a machine in a man after all, hardwired to kill and never feel. That's him. The biggest mafia leader with loyal people all around the world. He's powerful and I fucking slept with him. 

The thought has me so conflicted. 

On one side he was truly amazing with me during those days, he made me feel something for once. On the other side, he has the blood of a killer running in his veins. The same blood as Carlos Romano who murdered my innocent family. Xavier couldn't possibly be like his father in that aspect, not with the admirable side he showed me, but he is! 

He is nothing more than a sinister mafia boss. 

The door swings open and I grip my gun tightly in my hand, Rocco steps into my line of sight with a brown bag in his hand. "I brought you some dinner," He says and offers me the bag filled with fries and a burger. 

"Thank you, Rocco," I say to him, actually feeling quite thankful for his help. "Any news on Mr. Romano?"

"He came in here tonight, Martinelli. He is suspicious of the night where we danced, he threatened me and sliced at one of my employees. The man isn't messing around, he wants to find you and I doubt he will be merciful," The thought of him harming an employee has me disgusted. 

"I'll seek him out at some point, Rocco."

"No, you shouldn't. He will only kill you."

"If I don't get in contact with him, he will kill you. I won't be the cause of your misery or your death," The stubborn edge to my tone has him frowning. "Mr. Romano can only harm me as much as I allow him to, I'll bring my gun and everything will be okay. I just wish we could figure out something about his father, I need to know where he is."

"Give me some time then," He speaks. "Give me some time to seek out Carlos Romano, give me time to listen in on conversations, it will give you an advantage."

"We clearly don't have a lot of time, what do you think he'll do tomorrow, huh?" My Italian tongue seeps through. "You think he won't come here again? That's living in a constant state of delusion."

"Funny coming from you, Martinelli."

"What the fuck do you mean?"

Anger washes upon his features and I match it, "You're completely mental going after Carlos Romano. He will kill you with a fucking snap of his fingers. The Romano line shouldn't be messed with, they're ruthless killers, they don't care! There's a reason I'm so slow at searching him out, you won't fucking return from going after him! You will die, Eloisa!"

"Are you saying you slowed down the process on purpose?"

His arms cross in front of his chest, the indifferent stare he's giving me is fucking unwelcome, "Yes. It's a mistake going after him."

"You don't get to decide that for me! I'd rather go down with him, than allow him to live one day more on this earth. He is fucking scum and I refuse to give up on this!" Pure and raging anger speeds through my veins, antagonizing my skin and provoking a twitch in my fingers. 

"You're acting upon emotions!" He screams at me and the disrespect leaves me furious. "The horror you have experienced is not who you are."

"I simply won't allow you to talk on my story, Rocco," I tell him and grab my stuff from the floor. Tucking the gun into my black pants, I pull the leather jacket on top of my black turtleneck shirt. Walking towards the door I turn to him and he has the audacity to look guilty, "This is my only fucking reason to be alive still! I'd be dead before someone took that away from me. And fuck you for delaying the process on purpose."

"Eloisa, don't do this," He speaks. 

With all the blinding rage burning through my veins, I am fucking tempted to shoot his disloyal ass. When I don't see another solution to this issue, because I don't want to end up shooting him; I raise my middle finger with pride and tilt my head to the side. Leaving him in stunned silence of the room I once slept in. 

He can go fuck himself. 

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