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Entering the dark room, I clench my fists at the sides of my simple, silver dress. My black heels are powerful enough to squeeze the life out of anyone and my emerald eyes scan the unfamiliar crowd. This is where Rocco informed me they would be; the ones who officially want me dead. 

Rocco doesn't know I'm here, he would literally kill me, but I can't stand around and wait for the inevitable to happen. 

I'm seeking out these weak bitches. 

I enjoy to play with fire. 

He desperately urged me to handle this softly and with grace, but I'm not the fucking type to handle things quietly; I was born to make the world shatter and shake at the mercy of my fingertips. 

The crowd doesn't recognize me instantly and I'm glad, wouldn't want to turn this into a bloodbath already. No need for the dramatics just yet, we haven't even reached midnight. This is the time to mingle and kill anyone who asks the right questions, they can't be on my trail. They aren't allowed to know. 

A young man joins my side on the floor with a smile, "Good evening, pretty lady. How are you tonight?" 

"Fine," I nod at him and keep my head low. 

"These parties are always too extravagant, not really my taste," The elaboration has me bored and I give him an indifferent stare in return. He's here in order to celebrate the nameless man who is targeting me, there's no reason for me to be fucking civil. 

"Not much of a talker then?" He asks, the humor very easy to trace on his tone. 

"Oh, but she is," A dark voice speaks from behind me, the familiarity has my back tensing as a shiver crashes down my spine. "She simply isn't interested in mindless chatter. Now, excuse us while we entertain each other on the dancefloor."

The stranger leaves and I turn towards Xavier, he is hiding behind a black cowboy hat, but I can recognize that voice anywhere. He extends his rough hand and I place mine in it, electricity shoots up my arm when we touch and I ignore the sensations. 

Our bodies collide in the midst of a dancing crowd and a puff of breath escapes my lips, he smirks at the sound and presses his hand against my lower back, the other gripping my wrist and guiding my hand onto his muscular chest. 

"What's with the hat?" I ask breathlessly. 

"Trying to disguise myself," He explains quickly. "What's with endangering yourself at a party celebrating the warrant that is out for your death?"

His dark eyes swallow me and I try to find my footing, "I need to know who's after me, Xavier. Running around and hiding won't do me any good."

"Why are you even in this world, Eloisa? You shouldn't strike me as the type; and yet you do."

"I've grown to become the type," I dismiss his intrusive question. 

"Who we are and who we need to be to survive are two very different things. We need to get you out of here before they realize," The truthful words are uttered, my heart constricts by how true they are and how much they fit my situation. 

Xavier sensually dips me down and my curly hair falls loosely down my shoulders. He gently pulls me up again and our faces are mere inches apart, the feeling of having him this close messes with me and my eyes zone in on his lips. 

"My purpose is greater than my pain," I mutter with a clear view of his masculine features, his grip tightens on my waist, the feeling of him in a desperate manner leaves me completely breathless. Pressing my thighs together, I lick my lips and attempt to forget how fucking turned on I am by this man in front of me. 

Xavier tugs a strand of hair away from my face, the action makes my breath hitch in my throat. "We need to get you out of here," He slowly growls at me. 

"Why are you even here?" I find myself asking. "This party is one to celebrate then, or?"

"Non lo farei," (I wouldn't do that) He says to me with such conviction. "You have a tendency to assume the worst about me, I wonder why that is."

"You are the most feared mafia leader. Romano is uttered throughout the streets, I've heard your name for years. Do you expect me to find you gentle and humble? Ti ho sentito alla festa l'altra sera," (I heard you at the party the other night) I whisper to him, enjoying the feeling of his muscular frame pressed against my body. 

I can feel every dip and crevice, rubbing against me in such a manner that leaves me wanting for more. 

"What exactly did you hear? I did many things that night," The indifference on his tone doesn't surprise me, and it doesn't surprise him either when I return with as little fervour. 

"Having a man begging on his knees, only for you to leave him there and disregard his pleas. You are the worst, Xavier. I don't assume shit, this is what I know," He dips my body in a circular motion, his strong hand supporting my back and I will myself to breathe when his black eyes meet my own. 

"I find you intriguing, Eloisa," He breathes against my neck, goosebumps skitter across my delicate skin. 

"Perché?" (Why?)

"The tornado that suddenly entered my world, with both pretty eyes and a heartbeat. I have no clue what you want or why we keep meeting like this," His beautiful words are uttered with so much intensity, I cast my eyes down from his and try to get some oxygen into my body again. "But what I do know, is that you are beyond dangerous."

"You seem to have me all figured out, Mr. Romano," The annoyance seeps through my voice unintentionally, it fucking frustrates me that he is analysing me. We shouldn't even be dancing like this, I should keep my distance. 

This is fucking stupid and wrong.

"You wear your darkness like some women wear a little black dress, it's shining in those green eyes of yours."

"Underestimating me will be anyone's first mistake," I tell him. 

"One should never underestimate the woman who has the ability to shatter souls; destroy and burn everything anyone owns. One should never underestimate the woman who looks into a fire and smiles," He tilts my chin up with his finger and stares into my eyes, locking his gaze with mine. 

"If I didn't know any better, I would say you are afraid of me," Humor is detected on my voice, it shocks me that I allow him to see my emotions like this. 

"Beautiful, but destructive. That would be the unravelling of any man, Eloisa."

Tilting my head to the side, "I used to be nice."

A rough and unfamiliar hand suddenly grabs my arm, pulling me away from Xavier and breaking our spell completely. The hand pulls me down the dancefloor where guests are staring at me with smirks on their faces, they know. 

How could I possibly be so reckless?

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