Chapter 18

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How is it that I went to bed last night with 5K and now I have over 11K reads, like WHAT?! Also, waking up and being #1 under fanfic and fan fiction is honestly so surreal, I literally can't express my gratitude thank you all so much for the ongoing support 🥺❤️

The next morning Cassie awoke to a bucket of water being poured onto her.

She looked up to see her dorm mate, Angelina Johnson, hovering over her, bucket in hand.

"What the fuck, Angelina?!" she sputtered out.

"You and Serena both sleep like fucking rocks, someone had to wake you both up," Angelina said slightly annoyed.

Cassie sat up looking over at Serena who was pulling out her robes with a sour look on her face, also soaking wet. She tried to hold it in, but easily failed bursting into laughter at her best friend.

"You're soaking wet!" Cassie said through laughter.

Serena whipped around toward her bitterly, "Might I remind you that you look exactly like me?"

Cassie chuckled quietly at Serena's outburst. She was known not to do best in mornings, so people typically steered clear of her at these times except Cassie. Despite snapping left and right, she still thought it was the most fun thing in the world to push her friend's buttons in the morning.

After begrudgingly getting up in order to not miss breakfast, Cassie quickly got dressed. She put on her classic fishnets under her robes along with very loosely tying her tie.

Seeing her outfit, Angelina sighed, "You aren't ever going to give up those fishnets, are you? You know how much the professor's hate those."

"Never," She replied with a mischievous smile.


Down at breakfast, Cassie pranced up to the Gryffindor table, clapping her hands on the shoulders of Fred and George.

"Hello, boys!" she said lowly.

"Cassie!" they called out in synch.

"Saw your flyer in the common room," she said sitting down between them, "I guess you were able to perfect your creations?"

"Yep! All thanks to you though," Fred responded.

Flipping her hair dramatically Cassie said, "I know, I'm great!"

Laughing, the group of 7th years continued on with their breakfast, nothing interesting happening. Professor McGonagall was moving along the table handing out schedules when Fred leaned over to Cassie, his lips dangerously close to her ear.

"I never got the chance to tell you," he whispered seductively, "I'm really loving your new hair - you have no idea what it's doing to me right now."

Cassie involuntarily shuddered at the feeling of Fred's breath on her neck, making goosebumps erupt onto her skin. Pulling away, he chuckled at the effect he had on the girl.

"Ms. Black. MS. BLACK!" Professor McGonagall called out repeatedly to snap her out of her daze.

"Oh! Sorry, Professor," she said flinching while grabbing her schedule that was being held in front of her.

"Look at today!" groaned Serena. "double Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, and double Potions!"

Similar to Serena, Ron was also complaining about his schedule a couple seats down.

"... I wish Fred and George's hurry up and get those Skiving Snackboxes sorted..." the 7th years overheard him say.

"Do mine ears deceive me?" said Fred, leaning over the table toward the trio. "Hogwarts prefects surely don't wish to skive off lessons?"

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