Chapter 15

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It's been 3 weeks since Cassie ran away from Grimmauld. Things have been better for her being in the company of Tonks and Remus, but she couldn't help but miss having a father, no matter how shitty he was.

Everytime she looking into the mirror all she saw was Sirius. Her long black hair, stormy grey eyes, pale skin, it was all her father. I guess she could be thankful she didn't have his curly locks as well. Despite that though, there was just too much of Sirius in Cassie which lead her to this moment.

Here she was up bright and early around 7 in the morning before training, looking into her bathroom mirror with scissors in hand. With shaky hands, Cassie lifted the scissors up and quickly cut a thick piece slightly above her shoulder.

She gasped seeing her once waist-length piece of hair now above her shoulders. Seeing her new hair made Cassie smile knowing she now looked slightly more like her mother, who had the same haircut in the picture she found, and less like her father.

Soon after the first cut, she made her way around her head with the scissors to create a whole new look. Cassie brushed happily through her new hair, now being able to get ready for training.

Once dressed, Cassie walked out of the room toward the kitchen to grab a bite to eat before Moody arrived downstairs.

"Good morning!" she greeted Tonks and Remus cheerfully.

"Good mor-" Remus began to say while looking up before he froze at the sight of Cassie. He paled seeing her, eerily reminded of her mother. With the short hair, you could see the resemblance between the two even more than before.

"Are you okay, Remus?" Cassie questioned with an eyebrow raised.

Remus snapped out of his blank stare, blinking a couple times, "Y-yeah, I'm fine."

"Alright.." she said shrugging, seemingly unconvinced.

"Damn, girl! Your hair looks great, I love it!" Tonks beamed.

Cassie giggled, "Thanks! Did it this morning. Needed a change if you know what I mean."

Tonks nodded understandingly, "Totally get it, you rock it though. You should get going though, don't wanna be late," she said winking. Remus still didn't know about her training so they had to come up with excuses on where she went.

"Yeah! You're totally right, don't want the... markets... to get busy..." she said unsurely, "Well, gotta run, see you guys later!"

"Bye, Cassie!" Tonks yelled out as the front door slammed shut.

Turning to Remus, Tonks questioned, "So, what was that about?"

"What do you mean?" he responds acting oblivious.

She rolled her eyes, "You know what I mean. It looked like you were a deer in headlights seeing Cassie this morning."

Remus sighed in defeat, "It's the hair."

"What about her hair? It looks good," she said confused.

"It's not the hair itself," he said hesitantly, "it's her mother."


Cassie sat panting that afternoon after a particularly draining dueling match.

"So," she said panting, "what now?"

She sat there chugging some water as Moody stood looking at her in thought.

"I think you're ready," he said vaguely.

"Ready for what?" Cassie questioned.

"You have two weeks of training left before you're done, I think now is the time for you to do some on-the-job-training."

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