Chapter 42

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This chapter will be very dialogue heavy, so sorry if you don't like too much dialogue, but there was really no way around it.

Bright light.

That was the first thing Cassie noticed upon opening her eyes.

Everything around her was white, but she recognized where she was. Despite everything being colorless, she knew this was Aunt Andy's garden that sat behind the house she grew up in.

Too many days were spent making a ruckus out there growing up. Her and Tonks would constantly play quidditch out there, much to the annoyance of her Aunt. Cassie missed her, she hadn't seen her and Uncle Ted since they went into hiding, but now it was too late for even a goodbye for them, Draco, Joseph, for everyone.

"I was wondering when I would be seeing you, Cassiopeia Black."

Not expecting anyone, Cassie jumped in surprise while turning toward the mysterious voice. As she turned around she was met with an unfamiliar old woman.

"Who are you?" Cassie asked hesitantly.

"My name is Stella Selwyn, I'm one of your oldest relatives," she answered with a smile.

"Oh — um — nice to meet you I guess?" she replied awkwardly, unsure of what to say when meeting a long dead family member.

Stella chuckled, "I know you must be confused, everyone usually is when they arrive, but you'll have your answers soon enough."

"Arrive..." she muttered under her breath. "Others have been here before?"

"Oh, yes. Many have been here and many more will in the future. Although, the location is never the same," Stella added.

Cassie tilted her head in confusion, "What do you mean 'the location is never the same'?"

"Every time one of the Selwyn women arrives here, it's a new location. Yours, for example, is the garden behind the house you grew up in. It's meant to be a place of meaning to the person," she explained.

In all honesty, her response just created even more questions for Cassie. It was wildly confusing and she had no idea what was happening. Never would she imagine that this would be life after death.

"I'm sorry, but I'm just so lost," Cassie confessed.

The woman outstretched her hand with a smile to pull Cassie up beside her. "Let's take a walk, there's a lot you don't know," she said.

The two of them fell into a silence as they began their walk. Cassie noticed, however, that the white garden transformed into a long path with a door at the end. She didn't know where that door led too, but it was far away from where the were currently.

"The Selwyn bloodline has a complicated history to say the least," Stella began. "We weren't always like your mother, Amelia, that only happened a couple generations before yourself."

"What was it like before?" Cassie voiced.

"We were more like the Potter's, more accepting, that is," she expanded.

Cassie was shocked. From what she has seen of her mother with her own eyes along with what Joseph would say of their mother, it's hard to imagine any Selwyn being accepting.

"Really? Why?" she said in shock. "Not that I'm saying it's a bad thing to be accepting, but it's almost unheard of for Sacred-28 families."

"Yes, yes, but you see, unlike many of the other families, we became part of the 28 for a different reason than being prejudiced. We were invited to join because of the Selwyn gift," Stella explained.

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