Chapter 36

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I know, I know, another super late update. I'm sorry! My life has been crazy, I'm dealing with some mystery health issues of mine and I've been running around to different doctors so with that along with school piling up, I've had no time to update. Thank you all for being so patient!

When Cassie returned to the apartment after her visit with Joseph, it was clear there was a cloud of tension hovering over. Remus didn't explicitly say anything, but she could tell he wasn't happy with her leaving, especially when he found out where she went first.

The weeks passing held an uncomfortable vibe that couldn't seem to be shaken. Tonks attempted to resolve the conflict, but it proved to be futile. The war was getting to them, to all of them, and there wasn't anyway to prevent it.

"This came for you," Remus said emotionless as he dropped a letter in Cassie's lap.

"Thank you," she mumbled.

Looking at the envelope, she noticed the handwriting immediately. Not wasting any time, Cassie ripped it open with a huge smile plastered across her face.

My darling Cassie,

I miss you dearly. It's been far too long since I've seen your beautiful face, I can't wait to see you over the break in a couple days.

As you know, we should be back at Grimmauld, so please try to come. I know you hate the place because of Sirius, but I'll help you avoid him. I'll do anything to be with you face to face.

Anyways, I finally mastered my patronus! Harry's a great teacher, but obviously not as good as you. I won't tell you what form my patronus takes yet though, I want it to be a surprise in person.

Unfortunately though, Umbridge busted us today which is a big reason why I'm writing this. I'm sure the news will travel fast, but Dumbledore took the blame. He said he formed the group since she found the list of names. Your name is on it, so you should lay low, who knows what Umbridge could do. We'll have detentions for a while, but don't worry about me. After the break, I don't think George and I will have to worry much longer about the toad.

See you soon,
Fred Weasley

Cassie was shocked to say the least. She always knew there was a chance Umbridge would find out, but she never expected Dumbledore to take the fall for it.



Remus had hurried in the room and they both started at once.

"I'm assuming you just heard the news?" Cassie inquired.

He sighed, "Yes, I just got the patronus from Tonks. She said Dumbledore just showed up to Grimmauld to escape."

"I really didn't expect for this to happen," she murmured.

"Well, what did you guys expect? Running around in secret from Umbridge, you had to have known there would most likely be consequences," he retorted in a slightly annoyed manner.

"Yeah, but Dumbledore taking the fall? We figured we would simply be in heaps of trouble if the witch found out," Cassie explained.

"It was irresponsible to say the least," he criticized.

"Must you always be so negative lately?! I can't do anything right it seems. I'm sorry it turned out this way, but it was a good idea at the time and I don't regret it. Everyone learned much more than they would have from Umbridge. Please just get off my back for once!" Cassie snapped.

He's been critical like this for weeks. Every time he got like this, Cassie took a few deep breaths to calm down, but it was too much to handle. She couldn't deal with his bitterness anymore.

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