Chapter 11

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It's been 3 weeks since Cassie arrived at Grimmauld. It's been nothing but hell being stuck there, but people like Fred and Tonks along with her training sessions made it slightly more bearable.

She was trying to eat her breakfast as quickly as possible, shoveling food down her throat, seeing as she overslept. Cassie had her 2nd training session for the week today which was stressful in itself, for some reason Moody decided to always make the 2nd harder than the 1st.

"You should try chewing your food, Cassie," Fred joked.

Cassie scowled at him, "You're hilarious."

"Oh trust me, I know I am," Fred said while sitting back in his seat smiling.

Cassie rolled her eyes as she hurriedly got up from the table to meet Moody at the front door. She slipped past unnoticed to find him already waiting at the door.

"You're late," he grunted.

She winced, "Sorry, overslept..."

"Let's not waste anymore time then," Moody says while holding out his arm.

They apparated to the familiar training center and Moody lead the way to where they would begin the day.

"So, what am I doing for training today?" Cassie asked to make conversation.

Moody leads Cassie to a large room resembling a forest. It barely even looks like a room, seemingly extending for miles.

"Today, you will work on Stealth and Tracking. You will track a target through this simulated forest and take him down. If you take too long the simulation will end so you have to work fast. On real missions you won't have forever to apprehend death eaters so you have to know how to track and capture quickly," Moody explains.

Cassie nodded in understanding while preparing to go through the course for the first time. Moody went toward the side room to set up the simulation and in a mere couple minutes a buzzer was heard loudly to signal it began.

Since this was her first time doing this course, she struggled to find clues on where the target was. Although Moody has taught her in theory lessons how to track, it was a lot easier reading about it than actually doing it.

Cassie looked to the ground to find signs of the target and low and behold there was a faint footprint in a pile of mud. She saw it was facing the opposite direction so she set out that way to continue tracking.

She searched and searched finding only a couple more signs in almost 30 minutes when a sudden horn rang signaling she took too long. Cassie groaned in annoyance knowing how terrible she did as Moody limped over to where she was.

"That was a terrible first run," Moody said bluntly.

Cassie sighed in defeat, "I know, I know! It was just so much harder than I thought it would be..."

"You missed many signs that would have lead you right to the target. For example, you missed one of the biggest ones which were some of the tree branches being broken along the way. If you noticed those, it would have showed you the target was up in the trees looking for a way to go and following those broken branches would have probably lead you to it," he explained.

Cassie stared at him in shock with her mouth wide open. She didn't realize she did that terrible.

"Well," she says gulping, "fuck my life."

Moody rolled his eyes huffing while turning back to set up the simulation again.

"Well, this is going to be a shit day," she mumbles to herself.

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