Chapter 8

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Cassie wasn't surprised the moment she had with her Dad didn't last. Granted, she did get her hopes up slightly that things would be different now, but as usual her father ran back to Harry the next day. It sucked, but she was used to him being the favorite by now.

It's been a few days since that day. Cassie had her second training session with Moody and somehow it was worse than the first. Although she has gotten better at dueling, Moody can still predict her every move since she hasn't mastered nonverbal spells.

Cassie is known to be one of the best students at Hogwarts, but go figure the one thing she desperately needs to learn, she simply can't grasp. She had a couple days before her next training session and Moody told her that she needed to master nonverbal spells by then. As a normal Auror trainee Cassie would've had months to master it, but like Moody loves to remind her, she signed up for this and it wasn't going to be easy.

"FUCK!" Cassie exclaimed defeated. She had been practicing the simplest of spells nonverbally, but she just couldn't get it no matter how long or how hard she tried.

"What's got you so worked up?" she heard Remus question.

Cassie looked up to see Remus leaning against the doorframe looking at her amused. Of course he finds entertainment at her difficulties, fucking Marauders.

"What do you need, Remus, I'm busy," she says rolling her eyes.

"Oh nothing!" he laughs, "just wanted to see what all the cursing under your breath is about"

She simply ignores him not in the mood to have a conversation with her father's best friend.

"Mind if I sit?"

"I really don't give a fuck," she mutters causing him to chuckle.

Remus watched Cassie in silence as she laid down on the couch twirling her wand in her hand staring off at something. He wasn't sure what she was looking at until he heard a distant laugh from behind him.

He glanced behind him to see his predictions were correct. Behind a slightly ajar door were Sirius and Harry munching on some biscuits talking up a storm.

Remus sighed, "You could join them you know."

Cassie snaps her eyes back in front of her realizing Remus had caught her staring.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she says acting oblivious.

"You and Sirius barely spend time together, you should go talk to him," he says.

"And you think that's my fault?" Cassie scoffs, "You wouldn't understand, don't act like you do."

Remus ignores her, "Cassie, you're his daughter. I know you're a teenager, but it wouldn't kill you to spend some time with your Dad."

"Why am I obligated to be the one to seek him out," she says through gritted teeth, "he never makes an effort to talk to me so why should I? I have enough to deal with I don't need to work myself up chasing my father when he'll always choose someone else first."

"Harry's just had a hard time-" he began to explain.

Cassie let's out a fake laugh, "Oh, yes. I've heard all about his poor, difficult life. Boohoo. I've been though loads of shit too, but no ones coddling me are they?"

"You have to understand he's upset about Cedric's death-"

"HE WAS MY BOYFRIEND!" she takes a deep breath to calm down, "He was my boyfriend. Yes, Harry saw him die, but Cedric was everything to me. I actually knew him. The difference between us is that Harry grieves over what he saw while I grieve over the loss of someone important to me. Now, I have important shit to do so either get out or shut the fuck up."

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