Chapter 52

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Copy and pasting my announcement for anyone who missed it:

hi again everyone, I'm so sorry for my absence. I know how long it's been, but there's been a lot going on in my life unfortunately.

a lot has happened since I became inactive, and one of the main things was being sexually assaulted. it was a lot to process and I lost enjoyment of most things, including writing this story which connected me to so many people. I also faced many struggles when I moved away from home to go to college. I've felt lost and overwhelmed, so I've had little motivation.

I've been doing better, so I'm hoping to get back into writing. I'll be releasing an update, but I don't know when the next one will be. I promise it won't be excessively long, but I can't promise scheduled updates. I might start a new book along with this one to try to spur motivation since I've had this Regulus book idea in mind for a while.

It warms my heart to come back on after months to find so many people still here supporting my unfinished story. The fact that it hit 1 million reads is insane to me and you have no idea how grateful I am for each of you.

Thank you all for understanding, and of course, for continuously supporting me.


Ever since the message from Remus, things have been quiet. Harry disappeared without a trace, still no inkling of his whereabouts even weeks after. It's been difficult for Cassie and her Uncle's to go on like this, sitting around and doing nothing.

Harry was the only lead they had, and now all they could do was sit around in hopes of finding out news of where he's hiding. For three wizards determined to stop Voldemort, this waiting thing was not going over easily. The only good to come out of it was Regulus and Cassie having the ability to connect with Sirius in their free time.

"Is dad coming over again today?" Cassie questioned as she plopped onto the couch next to her Uncle.

Regulus sighed while placing his book down, "If you were listening to me talk to Joseph, you would have known I said he should be here in a few minutes."

"Hey, I try not to listen to the conversations you guys have. I mean, who knows what I might hear accidentally," she insinuates, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Gross," he scrunches up his face, "having you talk about that actually makes me nauseous."

Cassie snickers mischievously, letting silence overcome the two of them. In all honesty, she heard him say that, but she needed a reason to come over. There's been something on her mind, she just hasn't figured out how to bring it up.

"Spit it out," Regulus commented boredly.

"What are you talking about?" she stammered.

"I know you ," he commented. "You're making that 'deer in headlights' face again which means you want to say something."

Feeling embarrassed and wanting to get it out, Cassie pushes her face into the pillow while quickly asking her question. Although, the question ended up sounding more like gibberish through the muffled pillow.

"I have no idea what you just said," he stated.

Picking her head up, Cassie stares at the floor and asks, "Is it ever hard for you to be normal with dad again? You know, after everything that's happened?"

At this, Regulus closed his eyes taking a deep breath and turned to his niece. Although she was asking him, he knew her well enough by now that it was more to ask about her own feelings.

"A lot of the time it feels like everything's normal and I just have my brother back, but other times I'll remember everything that's happened and it makes me want to hold a grudge," he admits. "It's not easy to move on from the past, but it's necessary to move forward. It does no good holding onto the pain, all it does is make life harder so I've learned to go on so I can be happier."

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