Chapter 54

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HEY GUYS PLEASE READ: I'm releasing this new chapter to reach more people. I posted a message on my board and I'd really appreciate it if you guys could go look. I have an important question so it would help me a lot in proceeding with the rest of the story!

The next moments passed painfully slow as Harry stared at the group in front of him. He resembled a deer in headlights, clearly too shocked to say anything.

"You reckon he'll faint?" Cassie whispered to Ron.

"No," he replied, "might stand like that for a while, but he won't faint."

"Wanna bet a Knut on it?" she pondered.

"You're on," Ron chuckled lowly.

At that moment, Harry glanced from Regulus to Joseph to Cassie and to Ron. Once back to Regulus, he was on the floor passed out in an instant.

"I believe you owe me something?" Cassie smirked proudly toward Ron.

With a roll of his eyes, Ron slapped the coin into her hand before rushing over to Harry.

"Mate, are you okay?" he asked as Harry's eyes began to flutter open.

"They're still here," Harry said in shock, staring at the trio.

"Did you expect us to walk away after you just up and fainted?" Regulus chuckled.

"Well," Harry huffed while adjusting his glasses, "I didn't really expect this to be real. Thought this was my imagination."

"Don't worry, I did too when I met them," Ron interjected.

"How are you even alive? You were dead! We watched you die!" Harry exclaimed directed at Cassie.

"It's kind of a long story..." she trailed off. "Ron told us you guys were somewhat aware of a 'Selwyn Gift'?"

Harry nodded urging Cassie to continue.

"Basically what happened has to do with that, it's a real thing somehow. I'll explain more in detail, but we're waiting until Hermione's with us. I'm too lazy to recount what happened two more times," she said.

"No surprise there," Regulus coughed under his breath.

Cassie whipped her head towards him, "Oh shove off, you're just as lazy as I am."

Joseph rolled his eyes as they began another one of their tangents bickering over something pointless. Harry simply watched them in awe, still trying to process how this is all happening.

"Crazy, right?" Ron nudged Harry as he pulled his clothes on.

"What's crazy?" Harry asked.

"Them," Ron motioned to the Uncle and niece still going at it, "it's crazy Cassie is alive and Regulus is nowhere near as dangerous as Sirius described."

Before Harry could respond, the two boys were interrupted by a low chuckle. Joseph swung his arms around the two boys and sighed.

"Tsk Tsk, Regulus may not be dangerous in an evil type of way, but refrain from being on his bad side. He might be childish, but he can be lethal in a duel," Joseph whispered making the two boys go pale.

"Anyways," Joseph announced loudly, "how about you start leading us back to your camp Harry."

"Wait, we need to destroy the ring first," Harry demanded.

"Don't worry about that, we already know how to destroy Horcruxes we just can't do it here," Joseph told him.

"I think there's another way," Harry trailed off looking toward the sword resting on the ground.

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