Twin fans.

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It was early the next morning and Shamrock got up before the other subclass as usual. He got ready to make some breakfast for Melancholy and the others when he noticed the new house guest was already up in the kitchen making coffee. "Oh, good morning Miss."He said surprised to see her up so early. "Good morning. Shamrock is it?"She asked him,making sure she had his name right.The butler like subclass nodded slightly. "If you're hungry just wait a bit and I can make you something to eat." He stated to her. "No I am fine. Coffee is enough. I am on a diet."She said with a soft smile sipping her fresh made coffee. 

Shamrock looked at her noticing her heart shaped face large dark brown eyes which looked almost doe like,pale skin and curvy figure. Her face framed by fur like hair which was thick and held in place with hair clips. He also noted a small discoloring scar around her right eye which she seemed to be trying to cover with eye shadow and eye liner. He couldn't help but admit to himself she was pretty.But he wondered if she knew any way to defend herself. If she were to get in a fight with one of the other eves,would she stand a chance,or would she get hurt or worse?

Shamrock prepared breakfast for Melancholy and the others while Krys sat down sipping her coffee. "If you want I can help. I am pretty good in the kitchen."Krys said softly. Shamrock politely refused her offer and continued cooking. Sakuya got up soon ignored Krys and Shamrock and grabbed himself a snack before leaving the hotel mumbling something about going to the mall. As Krys was finishing her coffee a certain two tailed fox jumped up on her lap. "Morning. Surprised your up so early.:" Ash said stretching out similar to how a cat might stretch. "I don't sleep much myself. " Krys explained to him. "Well, I spoke with the others while you slept last night. And I think you should have some training today on how to defend yourself.That way if we ever run into any trouble you can fight back." Ash explained to her.

Krys nodded and slowly stood up to clean her coffee cup. "Okay I guess. What sorta training?"She asked him curiously. "Simple stuff like blocking attacks...counter attacks...and how to use whatever weapon your new status as an eve gives you.Every eve gets a weapon. Not sure what yours is yet, I will help you get it. Once you have it you must learn to use it properly."He explained to her then had her sit back down once done cleaning her coffee cup. Once she sat down he had her stare into his eyes and almost fall into a trance like state.While in the trance she found herself in a dark room where a black fox sat staring at her with glowing red eyes.Sitting next to the fox were several boxes and he explained to her one of them holds her weapon.She must choose one of the boxes,whichever seems to call to her the most.And that box will gift her her new weapon. The eve of melancholy looked at the boxes and saw a small fancy black box with a silk and lace red bow.Gently she picked it up and a flash of light appeared waking her from her trance.

She awoke sitting on the couch with two items in her hands. Two large beautiful black hand fans with red flowers printed on them.The planks of the fans appeared not to be wood or even plastic but metal blades.Each fan was light weight but sturdy, Ash tilted his head curiously looking at his eves new weapon. "Fans?How boring..."He muttered thinking the weapons looked boring.Pretty but boring. "How is the kid gonna use fans as weapons?"Higan asked having woken up while she was in her trance and was watching. "It isn't unheard of.In martial arts there are weaponized fans.Also these appear to be bladed so they can cut enemies."Shamrock explained.Ash nodded having seen an anime where a character used a fan as a weapon. Yeah it is possible. But it takes talent,"He said.

Krys looked at the fans then they vanished in a flash of red light,leaving a thorn and flower shaped tattoo on each or her wrists. Ash tilted his head. " I have a weapon. I just need to learn to use them?"She said softly.  "Young master has asked that I help train you since I am good at fighting. Higan and Belkia will also train you. Otogiri will make sure the training doesn;t gto too far and injure you.We won;t hurt you,but will show you how to fight back and defend yourself properly."Shamrock explained to her.She nodded understandingly looking at Higan and him wondering how they were going to train her.

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