An Icecream break.

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"So this is one of Tsubaki's usual hangouts hmm Jeje?" Mikuni questioned his servamp looking at the ice cream shop. His servamp nodded his head. "Well looks like he is already inside actually. Shall we go pay him and his new eve a visit?" Mikuni said with a smirk and entered the shop before JeJe could reply. JeJe coiled around Mikuni's neck gently and sighed. "Just don't make a scene. There are humans inside and C3 won't like it if you cause a fight that puts any human lives at risk." JeJe said in almost a whisper. Mikuni shrugged and sat down in the end of the counter.
   Sitting at the middle was three figures.Two of which he recognized as Tsubaki and his subclass Belkia. The other figure was a woman of average height but slightly above average weight. She was pretty, but dressed plainly and seemed almost nervous. The only noticeable makeup she wore on her heart shaped face was some eye shadow and eye liner.  "It's going to take me a while to get use to you bringing her everywhere we go Tsubakyun. I'm use to us going alone to get icecream, not bringing anyone else with us." Belkia stated as he ordered his icecream. "Now Beru, she has to come because of the contract. Just imagine she is a new member of the family." The servamp of melancholy stated ordering his, and ordering a coffee flavored icecream for his new eve.
   "I know she has to come with us. I'm just not use to it yet is all. Coffee flavored icecream?Sounds weird. Is it any good?" The pink subclass asked Krys. The eve nodded. "It has the coffee flavor but is sweet. It is pretty good in my opinion." She explained to him. As they spoke among themselves the eve of envy watched them,wondering how long it would take for them to notice his presence. "Her accent sounds American to me JeJe.Though for a foreigner she speaks pretty decent Japanese." Mikuni whispered to his servamp. 
   "I've been meaning to ask you something Krys chan. What's with the scar on your eye? I see you usually cover it with makeup. Were you in some form of accident when younger or something?" Belkia asked eating his icecream as it arrive. As he asked this Krys's whole body seemed to tense,and she looked down not responding. "Eh,something wrong?" Belkia asked,clueless to the fact he said something to upset her. Ash/Tsubaki had also noticed the scar and was curious about it. Though unlike his subclass he knew better than to bring it up. But now that the question had been asked he was dying to know the answer.
   The eve looked down her face looking sad. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to." Her servamp reassured her. Realizing it must be a sensitive issue for the woman Belkia nodded.  "Sorry..."He muttered going back to his icecream.As the three ate in silence Ash/Tsubaki noticed something out of the corner of his eye. "We may have some trouble it seems." He said softly. Belkia looked at him questioningly then saw what he was talking about. "Oh no it's envy and his eve."Belkia said worried the envy duo was there to cause trouble. 
   "They must be here to spy on us." Ash stated finishing his icecream.  "Usually I'd play some with them. But I don't think Krys is ready to fight against the envy duo yet."He stated calmly getting up. "Lets go Beru. Come on Krys." He added paying for the icecream. Hearing the name of the eve and that she wasn't prepared for fighting yet Mikuni smirked. "Taking her down will be even easier than I thought Jeje. Let's follow them and attack when there is no witnesses." He whispered to his servamp.

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