Skeletons in the closet.

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After breakfast Krys began cleaning the dishes. Shamrock wanted to help her since she had cooked the delicious breakfast, but he had work to do for Tsubaki/Ash. Sakuya sighed having nothing better to do and offered to help the eve clean up some. Krys was surprised he had offered to help, since ever since they first met he had been practically avoiding her at all costs. "Thanks Sakuya kun." She said as he helped her dry the dishes. The green haired subclass glanced at her out of the corner of his eye.He had recently noticed something which made him curious. Though there was no ring there now, there was a tan line where a ring would be on her left ring finger. Suggesting she use to wear either an engagement ring,or wedding band. 
    He sighed, knowing that would only complicate things even more for the obvious lovesick Shamrock. "Why did you come here?" Sakuya asked looking at her. "Because Ash asked me to be his eve?" She responded questioningly. "That's not what I meant.I   mean why did you come here to Japan? Clearly not for work. And doesn't seem to be for family either since you don't visit or seem to know anyone here. So I want to know. What are you running from?" He asked her staring directly in her eye.
    Krys's eyes widened then she looked to the side. "Does it really matter?" She asked softly. "Typically no. But, Shamrock seems to like you. Though I don't see him as a friend I do worry if , he gets close to you , you will hurt him eventually. Especially if there is someone else in your life, which would explain the tan line on your finger." Sakuya stated still staring at her. "You, you think he likes me?" Krys said, seeming surprised but almost happy. "Heh, he is very nice..." She added quietly.

"So, you like him?" Sakuya asked. Krys responded with a simple nod. "But, it wouldn't work out. I, I am already married to someone else."Krys said, looking down as if she had just revealed some horrible shameful secret. "I see. So why are you here in Japan, away from your husband?" The green haired subclass questioned. "Because. You were right. I am escaping something. I am escaping him. " She responded looking at him. Sakuya raised an eyebrow. He began to realize why she was so meek, and eager to please. She was a victim of abuse. Which, being a victim himself since childhood he understood. 
    "So,he hurt you?" Though it was more of a statement than a question. "Yes. And, he controlled everything i had. I couldnt leave him legally, nor turn to my family for support. So, I ran away. Last year was when I started planning to leave him. accident." She explained pulling her hair away from her right eye. "Accident...?" Sakuya looked puzzled then gasped slightly as he saw what she was doing. The eve slowly removed her right eye, revealing it was a glass eye. The scarring she covered with makeup was caused by a cut that must of damaged her original eye causing her to lose it.
    "I wear the eye and makeup so no one knows. People tend to ask if you walk around with a large facial scar and a missing eye. Last year, he caught me trying to look into divorce proceedings. We got in a fight. He hit me, I fell into the glass table we had. A piece of it broke, and cut me. My eye was too badly damaged to be saved." She said, slowly putting the glass eye back and fixing her hair. Sakuya clenched his fists, feeling an anger in him he hadn't felt in a while. But now it was  clear why Tsubaki had chose her. She was depressed. And being melancholy he sensed it. And, she no longer caring about life willingly joined him despite the fact it may end with her dying.
   "I apologize. I originally thought of you as some niave fool. But now I see, you were just desperate for a new home and life." Sakuya said softly. "But, if you wish to be free of your past, then you should try and start a new future. " He added then left once done helping her clean.

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