Eve meets subclass.

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Ash looked at his new eve hoping his subclass wouldn't be too shocked over this decision of his. Hopefully they would manage to get along with Krys. After all she was polite,seemed smart,and like him seemed depressed.The servamp wanted to ask her why she seemed that way, but was nervous to pry into her private life so shortly after meeting her.Then again they practically just met and he bound them together till death.Krys was gathering what few belonging she had to take to the hotel with her and Ash.  "You sure don;t have many belongings huh?" He said looking at her two bags. One with clothes and hygene products,the other with a few books, a computer,and a wallet.

"I only took what I needed to survive when I moved to Japan. There was no need nor time to bring any personal belongings or mementos."She explained.Ash raised an eyebrow wondering why she was in such a hurry to escape her old life she would risk leaving anything precious behind.Once Krys was ready she left with the servamp. "So you said you have subclass who live with you?What are they like?"She asked walking with him.It was night out,and slightly rainy but oddly Krys didn't seem to mind,nor wear a coat. 

"Well there is Belkia,he is fun.He is good at magic tricks and likes games. There is Otogiri.She is silent mostly,a bit shy but nice. Shamrock who is very loyal and respectful.But if you get on his bad side he will yell allot.But he'd never hurt anyone unless I gave him permission. There is Higan.You may not see him ofgten.He is the oldest of the group and does allot of missions for me.He is pretty chill,doesn't anger easily and is easy going usually.There is Sakuya,you might not get to speak to him much.He keeps to himself.He's going through a phase right now where he basically hates me and everyone else. And there is Lilac.He is the youngest,and most nervous around people.Be gentle around him.He scares easily."Ash explained.

Krys nodded along as he explained his subclass to her. "So their basically your family huh?"She said. Ash nodded. "I care greatly for them and they care for me. They would die for me if needed, but I don't want that to ever happen.They are too important to me."He said.Krys smiles softly hearing this.  It must be nice to be so important to someone.  She thought to herself. Once they arrived at the hotel Ash paused outside the door to the room his subclass usually hung out in when he was gone. "I don't know how they will react to you.So don't say anything till I introduce you.Okay?" He told her then opened the door and entered with her.

Belkia was the first to see the servamp walk in and smiled waving to him. "Tsubakyun!Good to see you.Where have you been?"He asked then noticed Krys standing behind Ask. "And who is that?" He added curiously.It wasn't like his servamp to bring strangers home,especially female ones. "Belkia gather the others so we can have a meeting.It is very important."Ash stated calmly. Belkia obeyed him wondering what this was all about.Shamrock was in the kitchen cooking,and came once Belkia told him.Sakuya and otogiri were in the livingroom area.Sakuya sitting by the window listening to music while Otogiri sat on couch reading. Higan was in his room painting,and Lilac was in his room hiding.

Once all the subclass were together in the room Ash cleared his throat. "Guys,I want you all to meet Krys. She is new to Japan,but can speak the language well. She is to be staying with us from now on." He told them. "Why?The kid still has human eyes so she ain't a subclass like us.So why is she to stay with us?"Higan asked.Not rudely,just curiously. "Because,well I accidentally formed a contract with her...and then I kinda made it permenant."Ash said with a coi smile. Sakuya was the first to react. "Are you crazy?Making a contract.You said no one could ever be your eve.That you were a free servamp. Not to mention,you're dragging some poor innocent girl into this mess now?She will probably be killed within a week!"Sakuya yelled at him.

"Now if young master made a contract surely he must have a reason.He wouldn't risk just anyones life for fun.Maybe he thinks she is actually worthy of being an eve?"Shamrock stated looking at Krys.Looking at her he felt odd,but couldn't quite figure out why. "But Tsubakyun.doesn't having an eve make you more vulnerable to be broken?Not to mention I don;t wanna have to call you by some new name.I prefer Tsubaki or Tsubakyun,"Belkia pouted,unhappy his servamp made such a decision without him. "Relax as long as I am careful I won't get broke. Also only she needs to call me by my new name.The rest of you may still call me Tsubaki."Ash told him to cheer him up.

Otogiri remained silent for a while. "It is problematic to have an eve at times.But it is also useful.If Tsubaki san is to get in a fight with one of his siblings he now has a partner who can distract their eves while he deals with them.So logically,it may actually be a good idea."She stated,Shamrock nodded slightly in agreement. True Tsubaki having a new ally was good.But how good in a fight was she?Could she handle herself?Sakuya glared at Tsubaki then Krys. "Good luck dealing with him.If his plans don't get you killed he will most likely be bored of you eventually and kill you himself."He said angrily then went to his room. "Ah don't mind him.He's just a normal angsty teen."Higan stated.

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