Lil cap o' rushes prt 2.

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Krys nodded her head in agreement. "Harsh yes. But back then harsh punishments were common." She explained. Ash shrugged guessing she was right and sat down on the couch to listen to the rest of the story. "Now his youngest daughter, lets call her Cathrine, was no fool and had her wits about her. So she made some clothes out of rushes a type of plant found in the woods to cover her fancy clothes and hair so no one would know she was of rich birth. She then traveled her way to the castle of her kingdom and asked if they needed a maid to help clean since she knew she needed a way to make money if she were to live away from her home. The steward there told her no and was about to turn her away untill he saw how sad  and desperate she looked. He then said they don;t need a maid but do need a cook if she can cook. She said she could and was given the job to cook in the kitchen for the castle's residents." 

    "Why cover her clothes?" Ash asked.  "Because she knew if they saw her real clothes and thought she was rich they wouldn't hire her. But if she wore handmade poor clothes they would think she is a poor commoner who needs a job." Krys explained to him sipping her coffee. " a disguise." Ash said softly. Krys nodded and continued the story. "Cathrine worked hard and did a good job in the castle kitchen. She earned the nickname Lil cap o rushes because of her clothes and cap she wore. She made an honest living and staid at the castle day and night helping with anything she could. The other staff really liked her and enjoyed how polite and well mannered she was. One day the King's son arrived back from a diplomatic mission in another country and his father decided to throw him a grand three night ball. Everyone even the staff of the castle was invited as long as they wore something nice and finished their work."

Ash was listening until he noticed he was hungry and his stomach growled softly. Krys looked at the clock seeing it was lunch time and got up to make them both some chicken and noodles. "What do you want to drink?"She asked him. "Green tea is fine...unless you got some sake?" Ash asked. :Sure I got some." Krys cooked them lunch and poured both herself and Tsubaki some sake. Ash drank his sake and ate his lunch silently watching Krys as she ate. "You live here alone?" Ash asked curious about her. Krys nodded. "I moved here to Japan from America a few months ago. And yes I live alone." She explained to him. Ash raised an eyebrow then looked at her wedding ring. Krys noticed him looking and frowned then slowly removed the ring and set it aside. "Some things are hard to get a marriage that went wrong. "She said softly to the point he almost couldn't hear her.

Ash was going to ask her what she meant but decided not to and finished his lunch. Once she was done and cleaned up their dishes they went back to the living room to finish the story.  "Now where were we, oh yes. The king was throwing a three night ball for his son.  Now the other staff were all excited to go and finished their work. They then asked Lil cap of rushes if she was going to the ball. She smiled and shook her head no saying she still had work to do. Besides she did not have the proper clothes to wear to such an event. The staff felt sorry for the young cook but understood and said they would bring back some party food when done for her."

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