I name you Ash.

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The woman looked at Tsubaki thinking,an odd look in her eye as she reached into a drawer and pulled out a red ribbon. "Well since you don't appear to have an owner and look like you need a friend..."She muttered tying the ribbon around his neck. "I'll name you Ash." She said with a smile. Tsubaki's eyes widened wondering what to do next. Does he run away...or see where this goes? Being bored and almost entertained by this woman he decided to stay and see where this goes for now.
   The woman picked him up carried him to the kitchen and offered him some of her sushi as she ate. 'Ash' ate the sushi she offered him and watched her closely. After eating she left to go brush her teeth and left him sitting on the table. Ash got an idea and took human form then waited for her. The woman came back and her eyes widened in shock seeing the man from the night before, and no sign of her cute little fox. "So you came back...?" She asked softly, in a nervous tone.
   "Nope. Never left. Tsubaki said with a smirk. "Where is Ash?" The woman asked, suddenly a bright red light glowed around Tsubakis neck and around the woman's writs. The woman looked confused as Ash laughed. "I am Ash! And you just formed a temporary contract with me." Ash stated so "matter of factly". The woman looked at him in shock. "I must be dreamin, or hallucinating maybe?" She wondered aloud. "Wrong again. I am real and your awake. My name is Tsubaki of Melancholy...or well right now it is Ash. I am a servamp and you are my temporary eve. You shall remain that way until 24 hours or until I get bored and kill you." Ash explained.
    "Okay...your gonna have to explain to me what is going on better than that. What is a servamp,and what is an eve?What contract?" She questioned him.Ash sighed and explained as best he could what a servamp was and what an eve was. He explained how the contract worked and the bonuses and dangers of it. The woman listened and nodded as if she understood. "So now I am a temporary eve of a servamp vampire. Interesting. And to make the contract permanent you must drink my blood. Well then the situation is easy. You stay here till the contract wears off and I avoid letting you bite me. After all I don't have enough room here for a vampire to crash." She said almost in a joking tone. Ash laughed then sighed. "Not very interesting."

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