Lil cap o rushes prt 3

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Ash layed down in fox form on the couch watching Krys as she told the story. "Once the others left for the party Lil cap o' rushes finished her work then took off her cap and dress and did her hair to look nice. She then snuck out of the kitchen area and went to the ball to enjoy herslef blending in as some rich young lady and not the lowly cook. While dancing and enjoying her night the prince took notice of her and asked her to dance with him. She agreed and they spent hours dancing and talking with each other. It was clear the prince was in love with her. But all he knew was her name was Cathrine. He knew not her last name where she came from or if she liked him. She left sooner than others rushing back to the kitchen to get dressed in her rushes clothes again before anyone would know she was gone or that Cathrine was Lil cap of rushes."

"I knew it. It's a love story," Ash stated,  "Many fairytales are love stories. It is a common thing to teach kids love can happen to anyone." Krys explained.  Ash rolled his eyes slightly unsure what to think of love himself. "When the party was over the other staff came to check on Lil cap o rushes and offered her some sweets they saved for her. She thanked them and talked to them about their night to see if they enjoyed it. They spoke of how wonderful it was and how a mysterious princess like character spent all night with the prince. Lil cap of rushes was surprised to hear they thought that she was a princess but pretended to be as surprised as them over the event." Ash yawned feeling sleepy but continued listening.

The next night lil cap of rushes did the same and spent all night with the prince. This time he begged her to stay so they could be together. But she refused and left yet again early before others left. She was worried how he would react if he knew she was the cook, that he would reject her. But she liked him as well." Krys continued. "So doubting his love....kinda like her father." Ash stated, Krys nodded. "True.Now on the final night of the three night ball the prince stopped lil cap of rushes and begged her again to stay. He gave her his ring and said he would die without her. Unsure what to do or say she left him again, and went back to the kitchen. In the morning as Lil cap o rushes was cooking rumors were filling the castle that the prince had fallen ill and was going to die. Lil cap of rushes heart broke hearing this and began to wonder what to do. If she should tell him the truth or not."

Ash closed his eyes still sleepy but listening to the story. "Later that day Lil cap o rushes was ordered to make a special stew for the prince since he was ill and requested it. As she cooked the stew the ring he gave her slipped from her small finger and fell into the bowl of stew. She did not notice this and gave the stew to a servant to give to the prince. As the prince got the stew and began to eat it he noticed his ring in the bowl. He demanded to see the cook of the stew at once so he would know how they got his ring. As lil cap o rushes was brought in to his bed chambers his eyes widen. Even with the disguise he knew her as Cathrine the girl he loved. Not caring she was a lowly cook he begged her to stay and marry him. That he loved her more than anything and he needed her in his life. Cathrine agreed and their wedding was to be the next day."

Krys sipped some more coffee she made and looked at Ash who was clearly minutes from falling asleep. "So on the day of their wedding the entire kingdom including Cathrines father was invited. Though her father did not know who the bride was. Cathrine asked the new cooks and servants she was friends with one simple favor. Do not put any salt on the meat no matter what. Now the cooks found this an odd request but agreed and did not salt the meat. Before the wedding during a grand feast Cathrines father bit into the meat and noticed how bland and flavorless it was without salt. was pointless to even eat. He then began to realize what his daughter meant when she said she loved him more than meat needs salt. Fearing the worst that his daughter most likely died since he kicked her out with no money he began to cry. Seeing this and knowing he understood Cathrine ran over to her father revealing herself to be the brinde and hugged her father letting him know she still loved him greatly. Her father sisters her and her new husband lived together for the rest of their happy days in the castle. The end." Krys said softly.

     "Almost interesting...."Ash said falling asleep.

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