Chapter 4

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Liam's Pov

After my meeting in the hotel. I drove towards my building. I went to the parking lot and parked my car in my fixed place written as CEO. I got out of the car and made my way towards the elevator. After getting in my thoughts went on my company and my parents.

My parents are high school sweethearts. James Ben Collins and Lily Erica Collins. They had me at their twenties. After giving birth to me, my mother started showing her interest in building her fashion business. Even my father also started getting into more business in making top most company of the country. Just to give a good life for me. They were showing less interest in me and continued their life. That's when Mellisa enter as my nanny to the home. She has been taking care of me since then and still now also. So when I graduated high school, my father gave me a part of his company to manage it. Even when I didn't get to complete my studies along with the work I completed my masters in business at the age of twenty one.

Now I am twenty five and still taking care of the company my father gave. Even with that I also started many other branches in the other countries with my own efforts. I am managing so many branches of hotels in different countries. After I succeeded I took a place and built my mansion as of my dream. And took Mellisa there so she can rest now by taking care of my mansion. Now my parents are asking me too get married and settle down in the life.

'Which is never gonna happen'.

The name Collins company have made in most of the western countries. I am planning to extend the company in eastern countries also. And I am not able to manage the work on my own now. So I have planned to take an interview for an assistant for me. I don't know when is that, I have completely forgotten the date and day now.

I made to the top most floor which is 60th floor. And I love the view from my office. It shows the view of full city it's beautiful. The word beautiful always remembers me the girl from the high school. Shaking my head I went to my office started working.

After sometime there was a knock at the door. I said 'come in'. My secretary came in, her name is Alexis Michael, she is in her late twenties and has been working with me for five years now. She is a married woman with a two year old son. She is like a sister to me. She can read my mind now and I can't hide anything from her. 

"Good afternoon sir, your next meeting is set up. It starts in next 20 minutes. And I also have your schedule for the next day. I can give you if you want now" Alexis said. I greeted back and forwarded my hand to place the schedule.

As I was going through it I saw that the interviewing for assistants are tomorrow. I groaned placing the schedules on the table. Hearing my groan, she started laughing my placing her hand on her mouth. I glared at her, seeing my glare she controlled her laugh.

"I think someone forgot their own interview for assistant is tomorrow" Alexis said that, and I placed my head on the table to reduce the headache which was coming back again.

"Why didn't you reminded me earlier Alexis, now I have to deal with it tomorrow alone" and I started to think to take her help by giving her something "Can you please help me tomorrow for choosing the assistant. I will buy to a whole basket of chocolate " I asked her my lifting my head up from the table.

"Not gonna happen, I can only assist the candidates to your office. And beside to that I have my own work to complete my tomorrow night. So it's your job not mine" saying that she went out the door by closing behind it.

I signed. I have lots of work to do. And now this interview tomorrow is also a hectic work. But I have to do it, it will decrease the work pressure on me. As I was continuing the work evening rolled by soon.

I wanted to relax for some time, so I took some time for drinking my coffee which was given by Alexis. As I was enjoying the sunset sipping by coffee. The door to my office room is opened. There are only two peoples who would do that in my life. One is my best friend Alex and other is my father. I don't know who it is. So I turned around to meet my own green eyes. And that is my father.

"Well what a surprise, father visiting his one and only son in his office " I said in a stern voice while showing my hand in gesture of sitting in front of the table where there are two chairs. I placed my coffee cup on the table. I don't have any grudges on my parents, I just want them to know me.

By making comfortable on the chair he asked "Why. Can't I visit my son in office". I shrugged by shoulders as the response.

"Well I came to discuss some matters with you" my father said. I thought he will again start asking about marriage. I know what to say. I nodded my head at him so he can continue what he was saying. What he said next was a surprise to me.

"Son I am tired of this business now. I know you are surprised to hear this but what can I say. After going behind the company and money I missed a lot of things in my life. And I want to take it back now. Even Lily is saying she missed a huge part of the life by going after the business. We have missed so many things and I apologize for not being there for you whenever you needed for us. And I have another request, can you take over the whole Collins company" while saying this I observe his face. He looks like he is really tried now.

"If you give the business to me, what about the mother's company, what will happens to that" in a surprised state I asked him.

"I was thinking maybe when you get married. I will hand over my company to you and your mother's company will be handed over to your wife" I was still processing the words he had just said.

When I became silent while thinking he replied "I know it came as a shock to you. But we are ready to run the companies till you get marry. I will wait till to that day. That's the reason we were pressuring you to get married soon. So you can reduce our burden. But we will wait till you tell us" he said this got up from his seat to leave but I stopped him.

"Father, when that day will come I will be there to announce you that. So thanks for respecting my time to think about marriage. And as far as apologizes, I think I can't take that. What's done is done. But I will appreciate it if you guys start giving it a try" while saying this I got up from the chair and stood in front of him and stretched my hand for the shake. But he again surprised me by hugging me in a fatherly way which he should have done it a long time ago. I returned his hug.

While separating the hug I saw some tears which is running down his eyes. I am shocked to see him emotional today because he was never an emotional guy. But I think life teaches you a lesson some day.

He bid a goodbye and went out. I continued to complete my work but I was thinking about the future. What can happen next. What it will be like to have the beautiful future. And my mind goes back the girl in high school.

'Why do I keep remembering her, even it's been years'

After completing the work, I head back to my mansion. I ate my dinner and went to the bed to sleep.


My alarm starting to blast across the room. I shut it off and went to brush my teeth. After finishing my business I head towards the gym. I like to workout at the mornings, so I tend to get up early. After working out for an hour, I head to the shower. After half an hour I am now in dining table eating my breakfast talking to Mellisa about whereabouts.

Biding a bye to Mellisa I went to the building at exact 9. I am ready for the day. But inside my heart there was a feeling that today was going to be great or something good is going to happen. I greeted Alexis on the way and entered my office to continue my work.

As I was working, at 9.55 am Alexis entered by knocking the door.

"Sir, everything is ready for today's interview. I hope you the best because there are some crazy people out there, so be careful "she said. I know she is doing this to get me scared but it didn't affect me. And by saying next sentence she smirked at me "And there might be someone that might catch your eye to which I am sure, she will be selected".

She exited the door leaving me confused at her words. I got prepared for this to start. At exact 10 a knock was heared at the door. I straighten up in the seat and asked the person to enter by calling "Come in" in an affirmative voice.

So let the day begin.


My Billionaire BossOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora