Chapter 3

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Destiny's Pov

As my morning started with my friend embarrassing me. We started working. After sometime I went to my ordered table to the get the orders of the customers.

I stood beside the table and asked "Hello sir, what can I get you for today".

He lifted his head up and started checking me out from head to toe. He was giving me creepy look which was uncomfortable to stand there infront of him.

"Well could I get a coffee" giving me a dirty look he continued "and also can I get your number". Well I get these many times. By asking my number or them giving their number. Seeing these type of people, my anger increases. One time I turned against them and it didn't end well. So I try to keep my anger in control in these times.

I kept my head low to control my anger in me. "Your order will be in few minutes" I said by clenching my fist which is hidden by the table I answered him "And I think I can't get your other request" I refused his request.

He didn't take in well so he started disrespecting me "You little bitch, I thought I could you a good little time, well you look OK. But you refused it". He kept on saying somethings. I couldn't control my anger, so walked passed his table to the door. As I was walking I heard "Run you stupid bitch, this is what you get for not accepting the request I gave".

I came inside the kitchen and placed his order and asked one of my colleague to take this. When I am calming my anger Ava came and stood beside me and stayed silent till I calm down.

Turning towards me she asked " Did you know I was looking in the window of the door when you entered the kitchen". I thought and shaked my head as saying no. "Well I was saw a handsome man talking to the other people in their table. Ah I wish I could marry such handsome guy, but I can't". I laughed at her words.

"Well after you walked in from that disgusting guy, the handsome guy was like 'What you think you are doing, disrespecting women like that. Be careful before you do that. I might warn you the last time. Next time I see I won't think twice to put behind the bars' " she said in a husky voice making it look like manly.

I was surprised hearing this, because it's very rare to find guys to do that. Well I thanked him in my mind.

"Well you should have seen him Destiny he was so handsome with those green eyes with small stubble making him look more handsome, his hairs were falling on his forehead mhmm.. "her sentence were stop when I placed my hand on the mouth. If I leave it she starts rambling about it. As she said green eyes I remember someone in the past.

"Will you stop describing him or will you continue your work. I think they give you salary for work not describing the people here" I narrowed my eyes at her while removing my hand from her mouth.

She pressed her lips together and then pouted asking "Why don't you ever talk about a man".

"I am not interested in talking about them" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Okay leave that, did you get the job you have applied for". I shake my head in disappointment. "Well I think they are missing my friend ability by dismissing you. Once I get them in my hands I am going to ruin their faces" she said while fisting one hand on the other by cursing them in low voice. I laughed at her. She knows how to lighten up the mood.

"Well you are correct "I played along with her. "Hey did you checkout the latest news of a company hiring an assistant for the CEO" she asked.

"No" I shook my head.

"Well after we finish our work it's our first job to complete the application and submitting to the company" Ana said and I agreed to her.

She is very supportive towards me.

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