Something Truthful

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After picking up the Chinese food I walk to the hospital to see my baby girl. She really hate the hospital food so I thought I'll bring her, her favorite. I been coming around this time everyday and it's been great. She still don't remember our relationship but that cool cause we always had a great friendship.

I open the door to her room and smile at the number again. The smile on my face changes to a look of confusion the moment I walked through the door. Why did Bri look so angry and who was this guy giving off energy like he want to fight.

"Oh, I didn't know you had a visitor. You want me to come back another time? I asks because the vibes in this room was already off and I didn't want to add to her stress. But trust if she tell me to stay im not going anywhere.



They both answer at the same time. I look at dude like he lost his mind. Who is this guy anyway. I could have sworn I was talking to my girlfriend not him.

Brittany gain my attention when she starts talking "no best, it's okay. He was just leaving". She said this with so much attitude I almost jumped. In the decade of knowing her I have never seen her this mad. Yes I seen her upset or just ignoring the world because she mad but never outright angry.

I walk over to her, sits down the food and kiss her forehead and rubs her side to calm her down. Dude didn't seem to like that one bit. He look familiar but I can't pinpoint where I know him from.

"Where do I know you from" I ask him.

"You don't know me man" dude replies. I'm two seconds away from going over there and knocking his dumbass out. Before I could do anything Brittany tell him to leave. After trying to change her mind he finally leaves.

I sat down in the chair next to her and gave her the food. It was a calm silence while we ate but I can tell it was something on her mind. I didn't push her to tell me because I knew she will when she wants to. And that's just what she did she told about her memories and I was so glad she starting to remember things. But then she asked a question I been dreading since she woke up.

"Damien... what happen before my accident"

I didn't know how I wanted to answer this question. To tell her that someone text her lying about me, I don't know if she going to believe me but I have to tell her the truth, right?

"Well babe, you was at my house and someone text you and lied and said I was cheating you." Her face falls she seem to be remembering what happen and she is not happy. "Baby I promise you it not true. I would never cheat on you but I have been keeping a secret from you"

"About you and the other Brittany right?"

"How you know about that"

"While I was asleep I heard you talking to me I guess but to me it was like a dream until I woke up and the dream felt so real" she look pass me like everything was coming back to her. I just sit there and let her figure things out but I rub my thumb on her hand to let her know I'm still here for her. Than she look up in my eyes and say the last thing I expected.

"I believe you.... mainly because she did react weirdly when she found out about us" I was so relieved to hear that I wish I could just kiss her right now but I'm not sure if she ready to continue our relationship.

"Wait if the dream about Brittany real then..." she trail off and touch the bracelet she had and stared off into space for a while.

"WAIT" she screams. It scares me because she was just whispering the last sentence but she has my full attention now. 

"Did you.. when I was.. you said.." she kept starting her sentence but couldn't get her words together. I grab ahold of her hand to calm her down.

"Just take it slow. What is it babe? What you trying to say to me?"

She took a deep breath and continue "umm" she look unsure if she wanted to continue, like what she was about to say can change us, our lives for ever. But I can tell she really want to know the truth and is just nerves to ask. I reassure her that it was okay and she takes another deep breathe.

"When I was in the coma and you was talking to me. You said something that I forgot when I woke up but now I remember... I think I remember. Well I'm not sure you really said it in the first place" she starts to rant getting off topic. I scoot her over on the bed and sit next to her and holds her face so she is looking right at me.

"What do you remember sexy" I ask

Looking directly in my eyes she say "you said.. you said you love me" my eyes widen remembering the first night she was in the hospital. I guess the doctor was right she could hear us.

"Baby girl I said it and I meant it. I love you more than you ever know. I lost myself that day thinking I loss you and to found you in the street like that nearly killed me. I can't picture my life without you by my side.Brittany I not only love you, I'm in love with you"

Tears start to fall down her eyes, I wipe then chuckling because she always been a cry baby. "I love you too fathead" she says using the nickname she gave me after we became a couple. The smile on my face literally couldn't get any bigger. She's back, my baby girl is back.

I lean in to kiss her and she does the same. As soon as our lips touch the door bust open. Jade and king walks in and we just sit there, both with smiles on our faces as King comes and jumps on the bed and eat Brittany's food.

Sorry I disappeared but I'm back and better than ever...
Will update weekly 😮🤠

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