Something like a Dream

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Wake up! Wake up!

'Where am I' I think to myself as i look around the familiar environment. Its a room with pictures of me and my childhood friends and posters on the wall, sort how I used to have it when I was younger but something is off. Its noy just picture of Michelle and the girls, it's pictures of my life now up here to. I see a picture of my college mentor, picture of Jada and I didn't know her when I lived here. Its also a picture of Damien and I kissing on the wall too.

This is obviously my room in our apartment on 10th street but how is it so different? I tries to stand up but can't I'm stuck looking at the pictures of important people and moments in my life. The good and the bad. I start to cry because something is terribly wrong, I can feel it.

"Trinity, Trinity" I hear my mom call for me by my middle name. I jump up, apparently I can move now. I move towards where her voice is coming from. I grow nervous because you can hear it in her voice that she been crying.

As I'm walking towards my mom old room, I see a figure just sitting on the couch. It looks like a kid but as the figure getting up and come closer they get older and older. As I stand face and face with a 19 year old boy my heart breaks and tear starts to fall uncontrollably.

"Man man" I say barely above a whisper.

"Hey Bri you got a game I can play?" He ask and I laugh and pulls him into the biggest hug I can give. Man man is my little cousin who passed away years ago. He was the youngest death I exprience personally and also the hardest.

He pulls away from me and smile at me and then retuen to his seat on the couch but his isn't alone anymore. All the family and friends I lost over the years are sitting and standing around the couch now and I can't help the tear falling.

I start to move towards the couch but my mom voice stops me and I look at her bed room door. I look between the couch of love one who I miss dearly and my mom room. I have to go see what's wrong, she sound so sad and worried.

I look at my family on the couch one last time and head for the door. "See you next time baby girl" I hear my nana say and when I turn around they were all gone. I look around confused but continue to my mom room but things change as I walk into her room.

Im no longer in my old apartment. Im now sitting at the end of a slide. Looking around I'm at the BGC where Damien used to hang out when we were younger. I look over at the basketball court and someone is sitting in the middle of the court with they head in their hand so I can't see their face but it seem like they notice my presents because they decide to look up.

"Bae" Damien says with tears in his eyes. Why is everyone so sad?

He reach out and grabs my hand.

"Bae I am sorry this happened to you. I know why you left the way you did but let me just say it's not true. I never cheated or told anyone we broke up. But I have been keeping something from you that may be the answer to this whole thing. I used to talk to the other Brittany. It was a while ago and nothing really happened between us but the way she been acting lately makes me think she's behind this"

I can't believe what he telling me. If i knew that they talked I would have never with through with this. Brittany is my friend. I meet her a year or two after I met Damien. We have a rocky relationship but she's always there when it counts. I would never went out with him if i knew it would have cause this much drama.

He rubs my hand he's been holding this whole. At that very moment everything came back to me. The messages, his call, and.... Oh my god I was hit by a car. I look all over my body but there were no bruises anywhere.

"Baby just get better please. I need you. Your my best friend and girlfriend. You been in my life for what feels like forever and I can't picture my life without you now. You so precious to me sexy. I need you to wake up for me"

I smile but my face start to hurt. I try to touch my face but a cast is the the arm he's not holding. My ribs start to hurt and I get the worst head ache of my life. I pull away from him and hold my head in pain. When the pain stops and I look up Im watching Damien and myself hold hands still but she is perfectly fine.

In the blink of a eye my doppelganger and Damien turn into kids. The looks down to see they holding hand and both pulls away blushing to themselves. Younger me push young Damien laughing and he push her back laughing to. She pouts like he really hurt her. He frowns and pulls her into a hug. I smile looking at the scene infront of me. It warm my heart. We were too cute back then.

I blink again and I'm in a hallway in my old high school. I hear Jada loud mouth down the hall. She trying to break dance for some reason. Teenage me is standing next to her laughing. Teenage me look up and see Damien down the hall and takes off running to him. He see her and gets ready already knowing what she bout to do. She jumps on him to hug him. I used to do thay all the time. Its was our little thing when we was bestfriends. I miss these days. Maybe we should have just stayed friends.

As the thought popped in my head, I'm back to hold hands with Damien and we are our current ages again.

"I love you baby girl. I love you so much" he says and he kisses me.

I open up my eyes to say I love you back but he's gone and I'm standing on the sidewalk watching myself stand in the middle of the street like a idiot. I see the frustration on my face. I see the car hit me and my body falls. I see the driver gets out the car but I can't see his face because of his hat. He goes to check on me. By his body language it's he know me.

"Oh my god Brittany" the man says. His voice sound so familiar. He starts backing away from my body freaking out. He snatch his hat off and I can now clearly see his face.

My eyes open wide. OH MY GOD! I know who hit me.


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